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PC Hardware Help and Desktop Support

Microsoft Support

Windows XP

Windows 7

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Linux, FreeBSD, and Unix

Virus Infection and Computer Security
HijackThis Logs and Support

Networking, Wifi, and Internet Connection Help

Visual Basic and the .NET Framework

Programming with C++

PHP The Hypertext Preprocessor

Java Programming

Perl Programming Support

Python Programming Language

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Thanks for this Skill. This will come in handy. Great work!
WoW. Thanks Skill, Really nice compilation!
Lets sticky my thread about changing your oil. lol
Good compilation. I do have one suggestion though, how about adding the author's name to each one?
Another suggestion, graphic tuts and stuff for people who like / want gfx links.
Good List. Thanks for including my python tutorials.
There are some problems with the tags.
Quote:Introduction to Java 2[/ur]

[url=]Jave Swing Tutorial

Quote:Python Tutorial For Beginners
is included in
Quote:[TUT] Python Tutorial, Learn To Make Many Different Projects And Fuctions!

So you probably just need to include
Quote:[TUT] Python Tutorial, Learn To Make Many Different Projects And Fuctions!
I am going to add threads from the Life Support section and the Webmaster Support section when I have finished compiling them.

All errors in the thread have been fixed. Thank you.
I have finished compiling the other threads from the Life Support section and the Webmaster Support section.

If there are any more threads that you would like me to add to the compilation, please PM me.
Nice list, and Thank you! Big Grin
Will you keep updating this list with new tutorials that get posted in the future.
(11-04-2009, 04:38 PM)ElephantShoe Wrote: [ -> ]Good compilation. I do have one suggestion though, how about adding the author's name to each one?

I don't think that's necessary since you'll see the name if you click on the link. Well, unless you are blind. Tongue
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