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Moderator Applications
1. Are you at least 16 years old?, though it may not seem like it, I'm 42.
2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X) +28
3. What's your internet connection speed? .2 MB/S
4. What topics interest you most at SF? hacking/cracking
5. How many hours per week can you moderate? 2
6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator? Repetitive abuse
7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties? yes.
1. Are you at least 16 years old? Yes i am 19 years old.

2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X) Eastern standard

3. What's your internet connection speed?[Image: Untitled-4.png]

4. What topics interest you most at SF? Programming and HJT

5. How many hours per week can you moderate? All the time i am always on the internet and i am back on this forum so atleast 5-10 hours.

6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator? To try to help the forum grow.

7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties? Yes, i rarely ever lose my temper online.

I may not have a high post count, But i was one of the first 100 to register.
1. Are you at least 16 years old?
2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)
3. What's your internet connection speed?
Download 512 KBPS - Upload 368 KBPS
4. What topics interest you most at SF?
PC Hardware Help and Desktop Support, Home Entertainment Support and Virus Infection Gaming Assistance.
5. How many hours per week can you moderate?
50-60 hours a week, 7-8 hours a day
6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?
I would make sure that the forums are kept in an orderly manner, free from spam, flaming and uneccessary replies. I would maintain a friendly attitude and assist members with whatever problems and queries they may have, no matter how big or small the situation.
7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?
Sure, I feel as though I would be able to use my past experience with running forums as an advantage. I am very interested in moderating this site and I feel as though I will do a great job, my determination and dedication will lead me through.
1. Are you at least 16 years old?
- No
2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)
- GMT+1
3. What's your internet connection speed?
  • Download Speed -> 2.56Mb/s
  • Upload Speed --> 0.55 Mb/s

4. What topics interest you most at SF?
  • Omni's Secret Hidden Inside Tricks
  • Graphic Design and Tutorials
  • Video Gaming

5. How many hours per week can you moderate?
- I can spent 6-9 hours being online on SF. When School starts i will be more busy like everyone.
- This is 42 ---> 54 or 60 hours weekly.

6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?
- I would try to keep the forums i moderate clean.
- Being active as much as i can.
- Help other New Commers/ New members.
- I would NOT abuse my rights as moderator.

7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?
- Yes.
[Image: 2dmd5j.png]
1. Are you at least 16 years old?
I am in fact seventeen. 12/12/1992

2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)
I am GMT

3. What's your internet connection speed?
[Image: 902262473.png]

4. What topics interest you most at SF?
I am mostly interested in Emotional Support and Healthy Lifestyle & Living, I prefer to spend my time helping people with emotional problems, I can really speak to people I believe.

5. How many hours per week can you moderate?
8-12 hours per day, seven days a week.

6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?
Well my primary concern would be making sure flaming, spamming and rule breaking just does not exist, we need to maintain the positive SF image. I would also like to make sure maturity, equality and fairness is a big factor of the SF community.
I would still of course continue helping members and providing the best support and advice I can possibly offer.

7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?
I think it's one of the most important things a moderator has to do, if you can't keep calm and deal with situations accordingly you are no better than the offender. You've got to set an example of good forum etiquette.

Thank you for letting me apply.

~ Sam
1. Are you at least 16 years old? no, but i am more mature then most Smile (14)
2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X) GMT -6
3. What's your internet connection speed? [Image: 903603087.png]
4. What topics interest you most at SF? Creative Writing
5. How many hours per week can you moderate? a= 5 x 5 = 25 b= 2x10 = 20 c= a +b = 45
6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator? Making sure the forum rules are followed. While still being fun but strict enough people listen. And of course still give writing advice exc.
7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties? yes
[Image: psychois21.png]
1. Are you at least 16 years old?
Yes, I turn 17 next Thursday (August 12).

2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)
GMT -7 (Arizona).

3. What's your internet connection speed?
[Image: 903635002.png]

4. What topics interest you most at SF?
Emotional Support, because I'm interested in peoples' lives, and I want to support them and give the best advice to my ability.
Video Gaming, because I've been a video game player since I was about 4 or 5, and I still am.
Media Moguls, because of my love for different genres of music, from hip hop to metal, to techno.
Coding Support, because I've been learning VB.NET, and wish to continue my learning, and hopefully learn different languages.

5. How many hours per week can you moderate?
I'd say around 30-40 hours a week.

6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?
I'd do what I'm supposed to do. I'd still give give emotional support and advice like I've been doing as a regular member, but I'd enforce the rules and punish other members for not doing so.

7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?
Yup. I can always keep a level head.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

1. Are you at least 16 years old? -

2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X) -

3. What's your internet connection speed? -
3 Mb p/s

4. What topics interest you most at SF? -
Emotional and Tech help

5. How many hours per week can you moderate? -
When do I leave my computer? (50 - 60 hours)

6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator? -
Checking Reports/Surfing for unreported posts that violate the rules and helping users.

7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties? -
Yes I am not a bias person and will keep my emotions out of things.
1. Are you at least 16 years old? Yes, bang on.
2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X) GMT London (-1)
3. What's your internet connection speed? 9MBPS
4. What topics interest you most at SF? Creative writing and emotional support.
5. How many hours per week can you moderate? 6 hours per day on a bad time up to 15 hours on a good day, 10 hours average so about 70.
6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator? I would spend my time making sure I was able to answer questions via PM and scouring all sections for spam or anything against the rules and I would advertise some, invite my friends etc...
7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties? Always, I always keep concentrated, focused on the prize and do what needs to be done. No questions asked.
[Image: electricdreamswithborde.png]
1. Are you at least 16 years old? - No, I'm not.
2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X) - GTM+2
3. What's your internet connection speed? - 6 MBPS
4. What topics interest you most at SF? - Everything GFX related Smile
5. How many hours per week can you moderate? - Basiclly 8 - 12 hours a day.
6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator? - I'd definately try to make the new members that join having a fun & a pleasant time here at SF. I'd also stay very active & always do my best Smile
7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties? - Yes. Definately.

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