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Member Feedback Questionnaire
Well, I just wanted to create this thread to discuss a number of things in relation to Support Forums and the various sections we have here. In posting this thread, I'm hoping some of the posts can help provide Omniscient with a few ideas which he can implement to help improve our overall experience.

Firstly, I'd like you to all provide at least one suggestion which you think Support Forums should implement and why. I know we see suggestions on a regular basis but some people feel as though their suggestion might get turned down... posting in this thread will mean that you can suggest without being targeted individually, but as a whole community, as you will all be giving input. Who knows, one of your suggestions may be something that Support Forums needs to give it that extra push in the right direction.

Secondly, I'd like you to all post your favourite sections and your least favourite sections, making sure you state why. Once you've given your explanations, please provide suggestions on new forums you'd like to see added.

Thirdly, I'd like you to all post suggestions on any awards which you'd like to see added. Don't worry about providing an icon as we'll pass this path if and when we need to. Please make sure any suggestions you make are briefly explained to provide us with an insight to what the award would be used for.

If there's anything else which you'd like me to include, please feel free to post or PM me. If I feel as though it should be included, I will add it.

Please reply to this thread using the following format:


Please be aware that this thread is not currently backed by Omniscient and there is no guarantee that anything that is posted within will be used to improve Support Forums.
[Image: 3326yvl.jpg]

Suggestions [For HJT members]
  • Whenever i see that someone is looking at my practice log it is either an invisible user or an guest. And they could be some HJT trainees cheating. So my suggestion is that we do , so people who aren't registered cannot see any practice log what so ever.
  • 3)PC Hardware Help and Desktop Support
    - Because i love helping users with different problems. That could be anything from browser to game help. And even how to keep your PC at tip top shape

[Image: in0rjy.gif]
I personally feel that official groups need their own sections now. The HJT sqaud have their own section and I asked Omniscient when EH first accepted and he said soon. I asked him again via PM and he agreed it was needed. We now need the implementation.

First of all more awards need to be given out, but I would like to see the addition of a Community Contributor award. For members who have dedicated allot of time here making thousands of posts and spending months on-line helping members and posting well.
The Support Feather needs to go.
More groups need to be made official.

My favourite would be both the Graphic Design & Video Editing sections.
Least favourite would be the Virus Protection area, not because I'm against it or dislike it, I just don't ever post there.
Groups should have their own sub-section.

I don't think any more awards need to be added as of yet, but I do think more need to be given out to people.
Awards given out(not more frequently..but a nomination thread every few months)
Groups made official
More advertising...but not from HF
Make a SET and STRICT rule to stop HF discussions
Make a rule on bumping
Make a not-so strict rule on one-liners
Remove pointless resource threads like what you mostly see here that clogs up the New Feed.
Make the default theme Yellow or Green. Blue isn't a good first impression.

Give sections to the approved groups (hidden)
The sections are fine tbh.

New awards decided by group leaders, that can be given out by them.
The MyAwards plug-in is only coded for Administrators to give out awards via the AdminCP.
More official groups are necessary for creating activity on the forum. How about going through the Moderator applications and picking a few out in some specific forums?
And of course, giving out a few more awards. I think this has all been stated above, but I wanted to give my vouch for it as well.
Creative Writing, Video Gaming, Graphics Designing And Tutorials and Emotional Support.
I suggest private forums for the official groups.
Creative Writing Award for the best creative writing contributors on the forum, mostly in the Creative Writing section.
Here's an image I made for it, proposed some time ago already:
[Image: goldpen.png]
(05-22-2011, 08:21 AM)Sam Wrote: The MyAwards plug-in is only coded for Administrators to give out awards via the AdminCP.

Upon request I mean.

I also think avatar size should be increased.

Here's my two cents. I believe that Support Forums is a great community. With knowledgeable and dedicated members, the site has loads of potential. The only thing that is lacking is a spark. There has rarely any action taken by the administrators/moderators to progress this site forward. If you look at Omniscient's posts, he has had three posts in the last two - three weeks. I understand; if anybody is running one of the most popular forums over 200,000 members, you're bound to have your hands full. But I believe under no circumstances should an admin be this inactive. I have discussed this numerous times with other members here on the forum, and the ultimate solution would be to promote a member as an administrator. A second-hand person would elevate Support Forums to higher levels and make it the site beyond anybody's imagination, but this will not happen without any action taken by the adminstrator. As stated before, this forum has loads of potential, but no spark. I believe that the staff running this site should be those without any other distractions, with their top priority in the progression of this site. Another topic I wanted to cover are the awards. Awards serve as a 24x24 pixel under a username, but in reality, they serve as a source of motivation. I have seen that a handful of awards granted out before I joined, but none since then. Member such as Infinity, Fragma, Quintus, devote countless hours day after day without any recognition. These members, alongside others, should be recognized and praised for their efforts.

The purpose of this letter is not to disrespect those who are running the site, but to inform them, and other members, what the current state of the forum is and how it can be improved.

Thank you for reading.


I reside in the Computer Support section, simply because I like computers.


Why do we need more awards if there are none being handed out? See my rant above.

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