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Showing someone on Skype a good channel to learn Android programming.
My CTRL + V is:

Seems to be an assignment I worked on yesterday.

I. Secure Accounts
A. Strong Passwords
1. Lower chances of getting hacked
2. What makes it strong
B. 2 – Step Verification
1. Extra Security Precaution
2. How to set up
II. Saved Data
A. Cookies
1. Text files containing information
2. Problems – hijacking
3. Fix – Ethernet
B. Saved Passwords
1. Browsers allowed to save information
2. Problems – XSS Scripts
3. Fix – Don’t remember passwords
C. Saved Wireless Points
1. Auto connects to access points
2. Problems – Can be abused
3. Fix – Don’t connect automatically

A link for another project I'm working on.
My computer specs for another thread I just posted.
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In your own words, who are the Aces:

I apparently was about to do something with aces
My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday and blocked all methods of communication with her because she knows she "won't be able to stay away". I know she still loves me and I need to get her back. The problem is she lives in Vancouver and I live in NYC and I haven't worked in 6 months because of a church music project that required for me to be away from home for that amount of time. My savings are all gone so I can't afford a flight. I am looking for work but I need to get out there as soon as possible. What can or should I do? Please help. I'm lost without her.