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US VPS with ddos protection required
I'm looking for US VPS with ddos protection.
I only need basic protection of 1gbit, a 2 core CPU and 2GB of RAM and at least 20GB of Space, I have a budget of $10 a month.
Have seen offered low-cost US VPS solutions?
Any comments on their reliability and speed?
Alternatives for comparison?
Attractive VPS accounts are available from and
Best hosts out there so far. Great service. No hassle.
I absolutely recommend web host. The customer support is superb. I actually had a problem initially, I sent an email and it was cleared that day. No problem.
VPS plans from and are good and reliable enough to sign up with.
When you need support help, you need someone you can count on. These companies have proven their worth and beyond to their Firm. Their help and patience with your technological shortcomings are beyond praise.
Before finding ssd web host in the USA, I had no idea that 'customer service' existed in a web hosting provider.
All my questions are answered quickly and promptly, and the services have been excellent - not a single downtime!
VPS plans from and are worth trying.
They offer a large number of services included in the packages. Excellent customer service.
Deals from and are worth trying.
Not much story:
- Came to them due to low cost.
- Am staying with them because of low cost and good support.
- Importantly I find people there with 24/7 are caring.
- Am happy with their work.

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