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something about this post seems fishy to me... it seems like you got caught doing sloppy work so you schemed up this plan that he hit you... i could be wrong.. if i am then im sorry... but it feels wrong... first you said the IT guy said "your hacking" if that happend you would of never made it to the end of the day in class he is obligated to tell principal at best... and the situation has to be investigated immediatley.. i took down a network at my middle school and things moved really really fast... wellassuming that what you say it is true and i understand that it very well could be... but the bit about the IT guy says he wants you to talk to him at his house .. now that is very very wrong.. your friend is under 18 i assume so to invite a child to his home and take him into his bedroom is out of character for someone with so much to lose... i hope you are not fabricating this story to turn blame on him and not you and your friend a charge like this could be as bad for him as a CSC it could ruin his life... so think about it... BUT if he did this then you and your friend need to tell your parents andthepolice and nail his ass to a wall for doing that...dont hold back you know that it is wrong... your sins in the computer lab willbe dismissed when the assault on a minor charge comes up believe me...
What? What if your friend is lying?
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
Well your in quite a pickle sir.

First of all, tell your friend to report the IT for assault, there will be a damn good chance, however, that he will not get arrested or charged. If he left a good bruise, then he defiantly will. Also, running was not a smart move, teachers can very easily look you up, report you, etc. All running does is get you in more trouble.

Yes, you probably will get expelled, if you don't take proper actions. What you must do at this point is confess to all of it. And be completely honest, tell them about how your friend had nothing to do with it.

Education staff values honest, responsible students. You probably will not get expelled if you don't make this into a big long drawn out issue. Be completely honest with them, as frightening as that may be, it must be done.

Best of luck to you.
Good to hear everything turned out well at the end . So how was your experience working on IT for 3 hrs ? Tongue had some more fun ??
(05-07-2010, 04:00 AM)Juggalo-Lee Wrote: something about this post seems fishy to me... it seems like you got caught doing sloppy work so you schemed up this plan that he hit you... i could be wrong.. if i am then im sorry... but it feels wrong... first you said the IT guy said "your hacking" if that happend you would of never made it to the end of the day in class he is obligated to tell principal at best... and the situation has to be investigated immediatley.. i took down a network at my middle school and things moved really really fast... wellassuming that what you say it is true and i understand that it very well could be... but the bit about the IT guy says he wants you to talk to him at his house .. now that is very very wrong.. your friend is under 18 i assume so to invite a child to his home and take him into his bedroom is out of character for someone with so much to lose... i hope you are not fabricating this story to turn blame on him and not you and your friend a charge like this could be as bad for him as a CSC it could ruin his life... so think about it... BUT if he did this then you and your friend need to tell your parents andthepolice and nail his ass to a wall for doing that...dont hold back you know that it is wrong... your sins in the computer lab willbe dismissed when the assault on a minor charge comes up believe me...

The IT guys are arabians, they can't do anything. They feel better talking to their arabic friends than the principal.
Your teacher can be arrested for assault. Also I'm pretty sure teachers are not allowed to contact students via facebook and also, the fact that the teacher had your friend in his house & in his car is a little bit strange. I would report your teacher to the head master of your school. Also tell your parents. Forget about what you did wrong, a teacher assaulting a student is far worse than hacking. Obviously that doesn't make it ok for you to hack the school, but at the end of the day, I really don't think the head master will be more concerned about the hacking than the teacher assaulting a student. You may get excluded but thats just something you're going to have to deal with. Lifes tough, if you can't deal with the consequences then don't do the crime.
Id say take your beating like a man, and be glad your not expelled, getted slapped like a ho, or get expelled and get beat to death by your parents...hmmmm
(05-09-2010, 06:49 AM)Fallenour Wrote: Id say take your beating like a man, and be glad your not expelled, getted slapped like a ho, or get expelled and get beat to death by your parents...hmmmm

That's absolutely horrible advice...
LOL why the fudge would your friend go in his house and why do you have him on facebook? sounds like he could be a potential pedo.....
The guy freakin hit your mate? Thats assault I guess

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