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Ace's Total Cleaner
One little bit of information:

Here i'm testing for admin privileges:

md %windir%\AceAdminTesting 2>NUL
if %errorlevel%==0 (
rd %windir%\AceAdminTesting
goto Menu
) else (
echo Right click the file and run as administrator
goto Exit

%ErrorLevel% has to change if i'm able to create a folder in %windir% to be able to function properly with my logic statement there (if statement), which is why I save to cmd. When the %ErrorLevel% variable is equal to 1, then that means that something went wrong in trying to create that folder, and admin privileges are absent, but it must change on success, instead of after receiving that error. I save to the cmd file extention for this reason.

Replace this bit of code in my script and you'll have the SFC scanner option with the feature of saving the log to a txt file:
echo System File Check in Progress. Please Wait
echo -- Results being created to log file
sfc /scannow > SFC_Log.txt
Goto Menu
Dude it is damn nice program... It might come handy.
i would like to see the proper exe version with some more features Smile
Don't try to act smart... i am smarter than you...Ninja
(07-22-2011, 04:12 AM)Akinova™ Wrote: Dude it is damn nice program... It might come handy.
i would like to see the proper exe version with some more features Smile

exe version? this isn't a program, it's just a script
I know dude what i trying to say is.. it would be good if you convert your script to a executable file.
Don't try to act smart... i am smarter than you...Ninja
Personally i'd just stick to the script. An executable for this stuff would be pretty slow
Good work mate. Thanks for sharing with us.
Ace you should make this Multi OS. Big Grin

You know why I'm saying this ;)
I can't run this in Mac, Linux, they don't use batch. Linux has bash, but I can make it multi OS between windows NT versions.

I could check if it's running windows NT with something like this using the %OS% variable I believe. It might be wrong, but I haven't tested it, just something I came up with
if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto somewhere

or i'd just use EOF to exit.
This looks like a really helpful tool Ace. Nice job on making it. I hope to see more features in the future ;)
Didn't you post this already Ace? I saw it last time, it's really cool. Big Grin

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