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Motivation Help
So im in highschool and i never do any homework and it kills me. Its not that i dont know how to do it. Like i get A's in math without doing homework. but i feel like i could be so much better if i did my homework but i never do. i have so many reminders on my phone telling me to do homework but i ignore it. I even tell myself that my work ethic will bite me in the ass in the real world yet i still cant motivate myself to try. Anyone have similar experiences or can ANYONE HELP ME??
Homework can be the deciding factor in passing or failing. I myself have an issue with doing homework and it shows. I could have an A, but instead I have a C. You just have to push yourself to do it.
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It just depends on how much you WANT it. You sorta want it...but don't want to do it. You'll have to learn yourself or the hardway when you're in deep trouble because of your grades.

I say, as soon as you get computer. Just do your homework. You'll feel more accomplished and free.
(02-21-2011, 07:55 PM)Laugh Wrote: It just depends on how much you WANT it. You sorta want it...but don't want to do it. You'll have to learn yourself or the hardway when you're in deep trouble because of your grades.

I say, as soon as you get computer. Just do your homework. You'll feel more accomplished and free.

yeah i think that is my problem. i am too overwhelmed by my computer, xbox, and texting. i cant put it down no matter how much i try. what should i do to get rid of all the distractions?
It's pure will power man. Just turn off the phone, unplug the xbox, and turn off your computer monitor.
Just think of homework as practice. I used to suck at math back when I was a freshman in high school, but I improved all throughout high school because assignments gave me the right exposure to math that I needed. Also, homework can be hitting two birds with one stone. Teachers would give assignments that are usually included in exams, or even in surprise quizzes. So by doing your homework, you don't just get the grade for submitting a requirement, you get to study for that specific topic and even build up on your stock knowledge.
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I used to have a problem like that in Boarding school. You have to push yourself to do it dude. If you cant do it, tell your parents about it and tell them to start Making you do your homework in front of them, so it's like a forceful thing, until you can do it by yourself without pushing it away.
Well the problem in modern day society is the distractions you're faced with. Personally I'm a college student in the GMT timezone, however through playing a lot of computer gaming/browsing HF A lot It's drastically screwed with my sleep schedule and I started to see myself slipping away from my grades/developing a sleep disorder.

Simply get rid of all of the distractions around you, hell do your homework away from all of your things. Just make sure you get it done.
IMHO this is a problem.
You say your clearly aware your not doing what you know you should.
Which suggests your happy to be where you are.
You need to either adjust your attitude or stop aspiring to be anything special.
Because only hard work and commitment to what you do will deliver you results mate.
And your correct. In the real world (work) that attitude could and prob would get you sacked.
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I believe that it depends on the teacher as well. I've found that the teachers that I used to have when I was in high school had a influence on how well I did in the course. Some were good teachers that I appreciated, and others were boring and didn't teach the material in a way that I could understand, and I found it harder to motivate myself to learn the material on my own time.

Even if you don't get it though, the teacher that you have may be a fun teacher, which will motivate you to keep going on in the course, including doing your homework, and asking questions. I remember one of my old math teachers used to sing and play the guitar to get us to remember logarithmic functions and the quadratic equation.

The other half, is how determined you are to do in the course you are registered in. Realize that every teacher isn't the same, and that you still have to decide for yourself what you want to achieve.

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