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How can i stop my laptop from overheating? When it overheats it switches off which can become very frustrating.

Can anyone help?

Do you constantly have your laptop on charge? This could be one of your problems.
keep it in a cool place and dont let it get too hot...
Can you feel air being forced out the cooling vents in other words is the cooling fan running. If not it may need to be replaced. There are also laptop cooling pads some passive (no fans) and others with fans that cost anywhere from $15 to $50. Do a google search for laptop coolers.
There's a paste called thermal paste
apply it on tangile parts of your laptop, it lowers down the temperature by 10-15C..
you can order it directly from mentioned link..
Take a can of dust off and spray your vent. How old is the laptop? The cooling putty that's on computers may have eroded. Does it turn off only when playing games? Or does it do this when doing simple things such as browsing the web? Is there an intake vent on the bottom? Is it clear of obstructions while using it? Is the outbound vent where the fan pushes the hot air out clear of obstructions? This includes setting the laptop on your lap while using it and laying down or sitting.
I Would suggest not to have it on charge all the time and have it in a place were the warm air the laptop creates can escape (most air comes from the bottom of the laptop)

you can also buy a external fan for the bottom of your laptop to stop it over heating.i myself purchased one of these from pc world (uk store) and my laptop dosnt really get hot anymore.

Hope I Helped
clean the the fan thing, it's probably all dusty.. there are sprays, but i go hardcore, vacum machine Big Grin
Yeah vacuum it, that makes sense. And see how long it takes to fry your motherboard from static electricity.
Will that really happen Grizzly?
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