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Full Version: Why there isn't a "thanks" button ?
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Sometimes i just need to say thanks and nothing more. Posting a post with nothing but the word thanks feels strange to me and I don't like explaining myself and I think people don't care why excactly you thank them.. so.. like a quick time saving way of showing appreciation or something ?
Omniscient doesn't agree with the "Thanks" button.

It doesn't really do anything, it's a pretty useless feature.

I'm sure Omniscient will give you a more detailed reply about why he doesn't have it here. Just be patient, he should be on within the next few hours.
I think a thanks button would work better than reputation, but that's on my opinion.
Im cool with the present state - just suggesting Smile didn't mean to sound critical or something
Sorry if my post seemed as though I was getting at you. I was just saying if you wait a few hours, you'll have Omniscient's reply Smile

I didn't mean for my post to come off in a negative way. Sorry about that.
Omniscient Wrote:I find it utterly ridiculous people that do things here to gain praise, thanks, or reputation.

Anyone ever heard of being humble or just doing things just to help others without gratitude.
On a site like this a thanks button makes more sense. It's still a rather idiotic feature imho but I'll take it into consideration.
Do what you do at HF, if someone is to lazy to actaully say Thanks they don't deserve support.
It would be interesting if it kept track of how many "thanks" a member has received and displayed it in their profile. I guess that's pretty much what rep does though.
(11-29-2009, 03:14 PM)Rob Wrote: [ -> ]It would be interesting if it kept track of how many "thanks" a member has received and displayed it in their profile. I guess that's pretty much what rep does though.

Most stat plugins do that.
*Thanks not stats
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