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Full Version: Why there isn't a "thanks" button ?
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That doesn't mean anything at all. I can easily go down and click thanks for every post. Rep is fine.
(12-04-2009, 04:33 AM)Grizzly Wrote: [ -> ]And a Thanks system wouldn't?

And so what? You can't go into negatives can you? Your thanks can only go up, reputation is a stupid feature so so is a thanks system, I can't see why people can't let this crap die and chill and leave it be and get round to the whole point of an online forum and the base of the forum which is support. Who needs reputation or a thanks system.

If I had to choose, I would prefer a thanks system over a reputation system, I wouldn't mind both. It doesn't really bother me or effect me in one little way imo.
This is how it works really, sorry if i posted before, (Inets sloooooooow)

Rep is to warn people, like he is a mean person, or he is a nice person. Thanks means the person is useful.
(12-04-2009, 04:06 PM)Combo Wrote: [ -> ]And so what? You can't go into negatives can you? Your thanks can only go up, reputation is a stupid feature so so is a thanks system, I can't see why people can't let this crap die and chill and leave it be and get round to the whole point of an online forum and the base of the forum which is support. Who needs reputation or a thanks system.

If I had to choose, I would prefer a thanks system over a reputation system, I wouldn't mind both. It doesn't really bother me or effect me in one little way imo.

You should probably take your own advice.

(12-04-2009, 09:08 PM)Aristotle Wrote: [ -> ]This is how it works really, sorry if i posted before, (Inets sloooooooow)

Rep is to warn people, like he is a mean person, or he is a nice person. Thanks means the person is useful.

No point in putting a thanks system in when we have rep, it's overkill. Just click the little number in the post bit and click rate user.
Again rep is if you are a good person. I have some rep. I would most likely have more thanks, since i post info.
I was talking from the point of view of the user who wants to thank. In many forums a post containing just "thank you" is considered spam. Plus it saves time to hit the thanks button rather than make a new post. Personally I don't care about my rep (or thanks count if there was the option)
I honestly don't think, on a support forum, a quick "thank you for this" would be considered SPAM. Generally the mods will look at the rest of your posts to decide if you're posting low quality postss on a regular basis or just saying thanks. The mods here aren't nazis.
I'm going to close this thread due to the fact that the posts have gone slightly off-topic. If you'd like to continue your discussion, you can create a new thread in the OSHIT area.
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