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I've done 5 days, no trolling or anything, dead serious.
All I drank was water and Coke, no energy drinks or coffee/tea etc.

Hurts me even more to say I spent the nights on an on-line game.

A week.
And I don't even like soda, so I don't drink it.
I did eat a lot of pizza... ._.
And isn't there a thread on this already?
A couple of years back I stayed up for 72 hours, I'd just learned about Visual Basic and I was following YouTube tutorials to make stuff, never learned anything from that, I was just doing what the tutorial told me to. Glare
Longest I've stayed up for is probably about 28 hours. That was during a LAN and I felt like total crap towards the end. I couldn't imagine staying up for longer than that, honestly.
I've stayed up for about maybe 30 some odd hours to the full 48. The thing is, once you miss sleep, you can't all of a sudden make up for it in the middle of the next day, especially if you work, or you're a busy man/woman. You have to wait until you get back home near the end of the day, and even then I still have things to do most the time. So if you stayed up the full night before, you know you're likely not going to get sleep for the next 10-12 hours continuing from that morning lol. I've done lots of nights where i've stayed up past what I should though from projects.
I believe the longest i went without sleep was only two days. The reason it was only two days was because i was up playing call of duty all night. There was no reason to stay up any longer seeing how i got to the level i wanted. But if i was staying up just to see how long i could it would probably be maybe 4 days. That is most likely the longest i could go with out passing out.
I think I've stayed up for about 36 hours before.
I think about 30 hours. Not much longer..
This is something I want to try in the next holiday, stay awake as long as possible =P.
I don't even think I have went over like 35 hours, normally when I do an all nighter, everyone goes home at like 7 am to pass out lol
i used to be hooked onto ice years ago and would do nothing but smoke and drink water. i lost 100 lbs and would stay up all week long and finally on the weekends, i may go to sleep for a couple of hours. it was a bad time in my life.
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