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The most probably like 26 hours.
I usually try to not stay up more than 24 hours when I stay up all night because I get insanely tired.
I tried a polyphasic sleep experiment a while back and while it was not consecutive, I stayed up for 83 hours with only 5 hours of sleep scattered throughout those 83 hours. I failed my experiment after a while because I slept through my alarm. I want to try polyphasic sleep again someday and transition fully into it to get the full effect.
I don't remember when was the last time I didn't sleep for days, but lately I've been having some serious insomnia problems. I slept 3 hours yesterday and it's nearly 8AM here and I've been awake all night long. I have to have a talk with my doc.
Longest I've stayed up for is probably about 28 hours. That was during a LAN and I felt like total crap towards the end. I couldn't imagine staying up for longer than that, honestly.
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