PHP The Hypertext Preprocessor
- Youtube2Mp3 Script (15 Replies)
- Download and Redirect (8 Replies)
- Can someone make this into a logon script? (4 Replies)
- [Tutorial] - User Authentication (9 Replies)
- New to PHP (8 Replies)
- [Help] Can any one Upldate This Codes (3 Replies)
- BBCode problem (11 Replies)
- Changing avatar script (12 Replies)
- Some High Quality PHP scripts (7 Replies)
- Uploading A File (2 Replies)
- PHP Array Help (2 Replies)
- [Function] Force download of a file (1 Reply)
- PHP automatically create new database after x tables (5 Replies)
- Simple Captcha (0 Replies)
- Php Anti-DDos code (12 Replies)
- [Function] XOR Encryption/Decryption with a Key (0 Replies)
- [Function] Test HTTP/Socks 4/Socks 5 Proxy (0 Replies)
- Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent (8 Replies)
- my basic clock in php (0 Replies)
- Array Condition on MyBB Forums (PHP Enabled) (4 Replies)