PHP The Hypertext Preprocessor
- PHP Forum Software Project (1 Reply)
- Members Area (login) Script? (6 Replies)
- Creating A Simple PHP/MySQL Forum (28 Replies)
- PHP Signature Rotator with Links (9 Replies)
- Common PHP and SQL [File-Sharing Site] (3 Replies)
- Request? (5 Replies)
- How can I echo a variable (9 Replies)
- Why do we use == rather than === (9 Replies)
- Template System (6 Replies)
- Noob's doubt on echo function in php (5 Replies)
- [PHP] Secure Logins? (10 Replies)
- Submit Textfile Contents To Database (13 Replies)
- Need help with this (1 Reply)
- Simple IP verification (5 Replies)
- [HELP]Installed WAMP,what should i do to compile my first php script? (14 Replies)
- php help. (3 Replies)
- Having trouble with arrays. (8 Replies)
- [Guide] A Different Approach To Authentication (5 Replies)
- need help with xampp (9 Replies)
- How can I prevent this? (7 Replies)