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Hiawatha Server
Guessing you didn't do it?
No I didn't get a complete chance to test it. Also their site appears down right now.

I'm a pretty busy guy but I'll eventually test it locally. I have a test server in-house to play with. I wish I didn't have to sleep everyday.
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I view sleep as a crutch. There are people that sleep like 10-12 hours a day some days, I sleep about 3-4 every day. Simply put, sleeping is a waste of time and I wish there was some other way to sleep, without actually stopping everything I'm doing, and laying down.
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I was talking with a cab driver while coming home, he said that he had 2 jobs and only 2 hours of sleep usually, so he powered napped during breaks and felt like he could run a marathon after.
Also on their site

Last night, I had severe problems with the disk of the VPS this website is hosted on. All backups have been restored correctly, so I think nothing is lost. If you posted something on the forum last night, please check that your post is still there.

The restored VPS still gave problems. I've migrated everything to a complete new VPS, located on another cluster. It's still not clear what caused the disk problems. Hopefully the new VPS runs without problems.

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