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fudged my real life for E-life.
Well I don't really want to get into big detail over how I first started online ect but I'll just get to the point that has ruined my the most. I'm not expecting any way someone could "help" me but I just want to let it out since I have no one to basically tell...

Ok well it all started two years ago, I joined an role play game that someone recommended me a while back. I joined it and within a week I got the hang of it, making loads of good friends as it was like a small community which was really fun. I got a job as banker which was a very high job on that game at the time and it was all going well.

A week later of being an banker, I got promoted supervisor. This was a really good job bonus and I was really exited as I had more power.. The next day I realised that the bank was now hiring new bankers so I thought to myself that if I made another account, I could play on them both at the same time and got the job, I could double my money and get rich quicker.

So then I went to create a new account. I couldn't think of a name to make so I thought of shop names, I thought of a shop name (that is a girls name. I won't be mentioning it because people may find this) and used that name. I was luckily enough accepted for the job and I got in, making twice the money I had made. In around three weeks or so, I managed to make supervisor on this new girl account which was great as that meant more money since I got an promotion also. So I was working on two accounts in the same bank with an high-status job.

In a months time, the manager decided to resign from his job and he was going to promote one of the supervisors to manager before he left, he chose my female account for manager which was a really amazing job as this meant that I was in charge of around 200 workers and I was the only manager so this was a very high-end job and a lot of respect comes to you, especially from the administrators and moderators.

In the end, I became really popular and had loads of friends and was invited to a lot of first class events and just became really successful. I got rid of my old supervisor account as it was bias to be my own manager and I was in the management for around 4 months until I quit for another job which was in fact another manager job but at an casino.

I'll skip the casino part as it will just take too long.
I got bored of the successful type and I started to look in the bad side of the game which was gangs. I had to get my strength up in order to join them and be able to hit higher hits when I went to hit other players so I went to the gym and got my strength up. After about a week or so, I managed to max my strength to the highest which was very special as not many people had that.

I managed to get into the most bestes gang on the game and became a high rank in that game also, it was really fun ect...

I am going to skip to the end since going through a two year span will take forever...


In the end, It's been two years and I've become really famous online (on this RP), I've got loads of people impersonating me and loads of people acting like me on msn and stuff. I'm like a meme but instead, no one expected me being fake.

I really do regret being a girl, as I'm straight. It's fudged up my life and I now have hardly any friends in real life apart from in school as I've concentrated too much on this game as it's so addicting.

I really wish that I became manager on my male account or that I quit or something as I can never let this go, I've wasted two years of my life, I've stopped revising for school and stuff because of this and I've stopped going out because of this. I've missed some real quality 'teenage' moments... :/

I'm not sure what else I could add and I don't know how this will go but I just want people to know.. There is a lot more of detail I could of added but 2 years span is mental.
An interesting and well written story, seems to me you just need some encouragement to get out there, I guarantee once you do you will remember how fun it is. What do you have as far as family? Perhaps a weekend outing with them will get your blood flowing.
I really recommend socialising. Since you are familiar with online interaction, try signing up with local sites where you can express who you really are, or with local activity clubs. You have effectively been pretending to be someone you are not for two years and that puts a mental strain on anybody. It is not too late. Good luck.
I think I know what game you are playing, and I heard it was addicting.
But I never knew how addicting it was.
I don't remember the name of it, but it involves real money, right?

Either way;
I think you just need a long break.
(1 Month+)
Just take the time to hang out with people, make new friends.
It will do you a lot of good.
I used to be addicted to runescape when I was younger until I locked my account and quit.
I then later became addicted to xbox live.
Deleted my gold, haven't played in a month.
Trust me, it will help you.
I sometimes feel the same way about how much time I've spent online, taking me away from experiencing those 'teenage' moments you talked about. I played runescape for two years, Americas Army for one year, then runescape and xbox for the next year, then played xbox and was active on/moderating forums for the next year.. all these years have damaged my social life IRL heavily. But, I do have what's known as aspergers syndrome, a socially debilitating syndrome that makes me pretty bad, by nature, at socialising anyway. I wonder if I could have been really social despite this, but doubt it.

I suggest joining a sport, or sports. Or going to a youth group, or doing theatre or something like that.. you'll meet more people, find friends you can hang out with and then from there you meet their friends, hang with them, meet their friends, hang with them etc. and the cycle goes on. That's starting to happen to me now, it's great. The result is less activity online, however, and since I have responsibilities online and it's my main source of learning.. (I'm homeschooled), I have to find a middle ground. Another sad side effect of this lack of socialising though is never having a real life girlfriend, just online dating.. not that it truly matters until I'm out of school, and can settle down with a girlfriend, it still sucks.

I'd probably do it differently if I could have.
Do some sports and make friends just chill out and hang out with mates and just play the game every other day if you can't quit just play less and less until you eventually stop Smile
Dislike Football and I have friends, just in-school friends. As I live in Countryside.
and it's not Second Life. it's another game involving no real life money.
Loosing few years of "teenage time" is nothing, trust me.
Life will get more interesting as you reach age 18 and so.
[Image: Nyan.jpg]
Ok well I failed my exam on being this police officer on the game so I arrested my evaluater for 999999999 minutes which put him in debt by 4505k... I got banned so this now means that I'm free at last.

I don't know what else to do now though. I have nothing to do.
Did you get permanently banned? Try to get away from the game as much as possible. I was addicted to Runescape for a while, but then I had to stop playing it because of my slow internet speed. Now I no longer feel the need to play it. May I ask what game it is that you are playing?

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