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One of the reasons I believe there is a God
(06-23-2011, 09:14 PM)Annuit Coeptis Wrote: This is a line from a book that I read: For the scientists who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself ove the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.

The astronomical evidence for God must be strong when atheistic physicists admit that "the universe exploded out of nothingness by chance." I believe in the big bang, I don't believe it was an act of random chance.

There is a thing called the anthropic principle. It has to do with the constants of the earth that allow humans to survive here. There are about 123 in all. Things like the strength of gravity on earth or the percentage of oxygen in the air or the placement of the planets or the speed at which the earth rotates, stuff like that. Well an astrophysicist named Hugh Ross calculated the probability that all these constants would be given to one planet out of the 10^22 planets in the universe since the big bang. The probability of one planet being given these attributes is one in 10^138. That is an extremely large number. For comparison there are only 10^70 atoms in the entire universe. Atoms. My point in all this is that there is vintually zero chance that we are here simply because of luck.

I have no faith there is a God because faith is required to believe in something that there is no evidence for. I have been thinking a lot about the existence of a God. I have been reading this. After a few chapters I have come to realize the obviousness of the truth. Read the book, it is really good. Even if you don't believe in God you should read it to avoid being ignorant. The way the data is presented in the book is simple and straight forward.

Please don't criticize me until you have read the book. I am happy to talk about what I believe and I don't think less of anyone else for what they believe; even if they are wrong.

lol "Nothingness" is a relative term used by physicists, it doesn't actually mean nothing. Do you know how many particles of matter and antimatter are in movement throughout the universe on a nonstop basis? Even if the chances are small, it can happen. How do you think people win lotteries, other than conning?

I can guarantee that 10^22 planets in the Universe is highly incorrect as we haven't even sent radiowaves out to it's farthest reaches of the universe yet. Meaning that 10^138 probablility is also an inaccurate number, as well as 10^70 atoms. I wouldn't know how you'd go off to believe all of that. The amount of knowledge we have on the universe is smaller than a grain of sand in the ocean. We have barely even got a grasp on Quantum physics yet and the double slit experiment.

By this:
Quote:I have no faith there is a God because faith is required to believe in something that there is no evidence for

Give me any kind of proof that has actually proved that a God does exist. If so, what would be the point of science? What this explains isn't bulletproof evidence that it does exist. That's like believing there's a God because you've read the bible that tells you he exists...

Writing is persuasive, but science is real evidence. Have you taken the time to think of how many other Gods people have tried to create for their own cultures? Lots of their traditions later on were proved false through science, like the Indians, when they thought that the steam rising from someones dead body was their soul when in reality it was caused by a heat difference in the dead of winter. How much of this other nonsense could you imagine is just made up to give a more realistic faith to believers? Without faith or something to believe in, psychologically our society would be more corrupt. People like the sense of having something to live by. If every religion has their own God? Who's telling the truth then? Or do we have multiple Gods that created the world in 10 different ways all at the same time?

There's already contradictions in the bible that people have found. Sounds like something only a good lie would be able to create.

Quote:For God to possess a beginning he has to be subject to time. God created time and thus he 'lives' outside of the boundaries of time. Time does not apply to God because God is a timeless being

lol you must have been religious from the start. Not that i'm against it, but now you're a God philosopher? lol tell us more about how you've gotten to know him so well. I'm not closed minded, but this just sounds ridiculous... No one created time, if he existed in a world without time, he wouldn't have been able to "create" it. It's virtually impossible based on the theory of relativity, and any other physics, logistics or principles of time itself.

Messages In This Thread
RE: One of the reasons I believe there is a God - by AceInfinity - 06-24-2011, 01:28 AM

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