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laptop performance when you listen to music (high volume)
(10-21-2009, 02:19 PM)tomism0 Wrote: When I listen to music (high volume ) on my laptop from its speakers sometimes my computer freezes or become slow.
Is this a hardware problem, a bios problem, does this consumes to much energy and dont let enough energy for the other devices of laptop to work normal?
Does anybody have any ideas about how can i solve like this?
Sorry for my english Tongue
The guy above me is right, but it could also be your battery. If your computer is more than 6 months old, chances are your battery's power output has suffered a decline. This means that when you do some recourse intensive tasks, especially playing videos or music at high levels of volume, your computer will require more power than it is capable of producing. A processor needs an adequate amount of energy to function properly. So if you haven't enough power to feed your processor, some skipping, freezes and slowdowns will occur. Don't try to play anything that runs at a bitrate of 128kbps, and you should have no more slowdowns.

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RE: laptop performance when you listen to music (high volume) - by Riverthief - 10-21-2009, 09:32 PM

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