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Moderator Applications
1. Are you at least 16 years old?

I am presently 15 years of age. I will turn 16 in one month and a half. I have no maturity issues for I think, act and speak older than that of my current age.

2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)?

GMT + 8.

3. What's your internet connection speed?

[Image: 72367b.png]

4. What topics interest you most at SF?

The whole Computer Support forum does. I personally adore the Virus Infection and Computer Security section.

5. How many hours per week can you moderate?

I can moderate at least 10 hours a day, making that 70 hours per week.

6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?

It shall be prioritized accordingly.
  • Reports
  • Site Issues (only the Administrator can fix them up hence second in priority)
  • Member Requests
  • Others
Reports will be my number one priority. I will also go through each section and manually check for unnecessary posts.

7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?

Yes. I understand that personal grudges are not to be incorporated when moderating or giving warnings. Neutrality is of the essence; a Staff member should not recognize allies nor enemies. Abuse of power is not an option.
1. Are you at least 16 years old?
I'm 18

2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)
GMT +1

3. What's your internet connection speed?

4. What topics interest you most at SF?
VB.NET, Graphics, Forum Software help

5. How many hours per week can you moderate?
I'm off college 4 days a week. So I am quite flexible.

6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?
I would do my best to help members in any way that I can. I would also make sure that all reports are dealt with quickly, and those breaking the rules are dealt with appropriately.

7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?
Yes. I am firm but fair. I don't let things get to me to much. Of course I can get annoyed at other people but thats just human nature and I would be sure to keep a professional mind in any situation.
1. Are you at least 16 years old?yes 17
2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)-4hr
3. What's your internet connection speed?54mbps
4. What topics interest you most at SF?the helping people through emoitional issuse and tech support
5. How many hours per week can you moderate?about 30
6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator? keeping the forum clean and neat
7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?yes i do believe i can and would
1. Are you at least 16 years old?
Yes i am of 19 years.
2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)
3. What's your internet connection speed?
2 MB it's the highest i have got in my country.
4. What topics interest you most at SF?
Home Entertainment Support,Website Development,Microsoft Support,Visual Basic and the .NET Framework and Database Programming.
5. How many hours per week can you moderate?25-45 hours a week, 5-10 hours a day.
6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?I would make sure that the forums are kept in an orderly manner, free from spam, flaming and uneccessary replies. I would maintain a friendly attitude and assist members with whatever problems and queries they may have, no matter how big or small the situation is!
7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?
I am, however I am human and as such there will be the extremely unlikely (yet possible) chance I may flame, however I would never do so regularly.
1. Are you at least 16 years old?

Yes, I am 19.

2. What time zone are you in?


3. What is your internet connection speed?

According to it is just above 5mbps, but when downloading I get around 150kbps. (hopefully the government will upgrade our country's internet soon!)

4. What topics interest you most at SF?

Hardware, Automotive, vb.NET programming, HJT.

5. How many hours per week can you moderate?

About 30 hours, but this is dependant on other things, such as my job (I sometimes get asked to work overtime), and gym.

6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?

I would answer as many PMs as possible regarding important matters, also checking on reported members and threads to keep the forum tidy, while helping out users when there is free time to do so.

7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?

I believe I have the control to not take any matters personally and to keep fair decisions no matter what the situation.

Please do not regard my post count, as I will be an active member here (whatever the outcome) as I am on your other forum.
1. Are you at least 16 years old?
No I am not. I'm 15.

2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)
GMT +3

3. What's your internet connection speed?
[Image: 790858898.png]

4. What topics interest you most at SF?
I would have to say the Webmaster Support interests me the most.

5. How many hours per week can you moderate?
I can moderate about 52 hours per week.

6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?
  1. My priority would be, like most of the members here, helping out those who ask for help.
  2. Secondly, I would post tutorials on a weekly basis probably.
  3. Finally, I will do everything I can to keep this forum clean and spam-free.

7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?
Certainly. My maturity level has evolved throughout the years and I am more than certain that I can keep a level head while performing my moderator duties.

Thank you for reading.
1. Are you at least 16 years old?

- No I'm not. I'm 14

2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)


3. What's your internet connection speed?

3-5 mbps

4. What topics interest you most at SF?

Graphics, VB.NET, Autobody, Mechanical, and Car Help, Video Gaming,
Academic, School, and Homework Help, Media Moguls.

5. How many hours per week can you moderate?

At Weekdays 3-4 hours, On weekends 5-10 hours.

6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?

I will helping members, I would make sure that those breaking the rules are dealt with appropriately.

7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?

I beleve so. I beleve that I would do Excellent as moderator here.
[Image: ShuTdown.png]
Hi, Omniscient.

This is my moderator application.
  • Are you at least 16 years old?
    • I am currently fifteen years of age. I turn sixteen on 6 January 2011. I feel as though age should not impact my selection, as I am both a mature and experienced user.
  • What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)
    • My timezone is GMT + 10:00. This is useful, particularly for moderation, as I'm online when most of the American/European members are not. It allows for me to get official work done with minimal impact on the active users - I can also take care of the current issues when few other moderators are online to do so.
  • What's your internet connection speed?
    • I'm currently running through an ASDL 2 connection. My speed varies, but is usually around 1.5MB/s - more than enough for any forum-based activities.
  • What topics interest you most at SF?
    • The HJT Squad, of course! I want to bring a quality technical support aspect to SF. Helping out with malware, and of course in the HijackThis section will be one of my biggest focuses.
  • How many hours per week can you moderate?
    • I can get around four hours a day in, at the moment. This will increase to fifteen hours a day on weekends and holidays. So, that's around 45 hours a week, and on holidays, over one hundred hours.
  • How would you utilize your time as a moderator?
    • First thing's first. I'll cut through any reported posts and PMs in regards to official issues. That's the most important thing - ensuring all reports are met within a reasonable time limit. After that, I'll continue posting as usual and as new reports are made, I'll see to them immediately.
  • Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?
    • That's one of my best abilities! I post from a neutral position, and only when the situation calls for it, will I be opinionated. I do not exert my power unfairly on anytime - when moderating, I pretend I am one of the normal members to keep myself in line.
  • Additional: Staff Experience?
    • I've moderated countless forums. I'm currently a moderator over at ChannelFuse's main forum, and have been appointed as Chief of Moderation. I'm a moderator over at CertifiedEthicalHackers, and I've moderated for many recognizable members including Skill, on several of his projects. I'm also an administrator over at - a work in progress.
Malware Boss
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
1. Are you at least 16 years old?
Yes, 17
2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X)
GMT -5:00 Eastern Standard Time
3. What's your internet connection speed?
I have a broadband connection from Cox Communications.
According to I have a 19.42 MB/s dl rate and a 4.63 MB/s upload rate.

4. What topics interest you most at SF?
I usually do what I can in all sections but I'm most interested in PC hardware help, Windows support, networking, video gaming, emotional support, and media (sorry there's so many). I'd also like to learn more about virus removal/security, teach myself c++, and start doing graphics again.
5. How many hours per week can you moderate?
Tons. I'm in high school and don't play a spring sport so I'm usually on the computer from 3pm - 10pm every weekday and a lot on the weekends also, so I'd say maybe around 40.
6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator?
I would help people whenever I could, enforce rules, keep SF a safe place, try to make SF the best it can possibly be, and do whatever else was asked of me.
7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties?
Of course, I'm a lot more mature than I used to be from both online experiences and off and have learned a lot from past mistakes. I won't make biased decisions and will do no less than what is expected.
1. Are you at least 16 years old? Yes, 16, 17 soon.
2. What time zone are you in (GMT -/+X) GMT+1
3. What's your internet connection speed? 54Mbps
4. What topics interest you most at SF? Graphics sections and computing sections
5. How many hours per week can you moderate? 20+ (after May 28th, I have exams coming up)
6. How would you utilize your time as a moderator? Make sure there is no rule breaking and make SF friendly place to be for everyone
7. Are you able to keep a level head while performing moderator duties? Yes I can Smile

I need a new signature!

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