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Dieting Help
What worked for me was going on some meds. It made me sick to see food. So i ate smaller less generous portitions.
(12-30-2009, 07:24 PM)Extasey Wrote: Got sick, lost 20kg.
Was awesome.
When I was sick for 1 week I lost 15 pounds xD.
I dieted once. I was up to 220 and I'm not supposed to be up more than 200 according to the army. I have a screwed up knee so I can't exercise really at all. It's so bad I can't even do situps or push ups, the other events (besides a 2 mile run, or 2 1/2 mile walk) that are on a PT test. I lost 20 pounds in about a month and a half. I changed my eating habits. Slightly. I started drinking Coke Zero instead of regular coke. Added a little more water into my diet, cut down on coffee (only a couple cups in the morning, instead of a whole pot, and more pots throughout the day). I'm at 205, which is ok because I have a 36 inch waste. The army will tape you (measure your neck and waste) to find your body fat amount if you are over the standard weight for your height. So 205 is quite fine for me (I made tape when I was 212 as well).

The biggest thing I did though was stopped snacking as much. And cutting down the portion of food I eat for meals.

But, on a side note. One of the guys in my dad's national guard unit died at 32 of a heart attack. He was quite fit (worked out every day) and only ate healthy food.
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My new years resolution is similar to yours Omni.
I WILL give up alcohol as of tomorrow and will train daily for the next year.
Damn when i met my wife i had an 8 pack. I was a fit boy i tells ya lol.
Now i am getting to be a fat bastard and i want to change like you mate.
It has had side effects from being a bit of a fatty already for me.
I dont last as long in bed. I cant fight as well. Im just a portion of what i was honestly.
And anyone who has trained hard to have a fit body knows the mind and body togetherness i often talk about.
The new year will make for change for me and my family.
No more takeaway. No more fatty shitty foods. Its gunna be all about training and being healthy.
Im sick and tired of being hungover.
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(12-31-2009, 04:09 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: My new years resolution is similar to yours Omni.
I WILL give up alcohol as of tomorrow and will train daily for the next year.
Damn when i met my wife i had an 8 pack. I was a fit boy i tells ya lol.
Now i am getting to be a fat bastard and i want to change like you mate.
It has had side effects from being a bit of a fatty already for me.
I dont last as long in bed. I cant fight as well. Im just a portion of what i was honestly.
And anyone who has trained hard to have a fit body knows the mind and body togetherness i often talk about.
The new year will make for change for me and my family.
No more takeaway. No more fatty shitty foods. Its gunna be all about training and being healthy.
Im sick and tired of being hungover.

Honestly, the biggest problem I have is eating takeaway food. Like Burger King, etc. Main reason is because of my job. I hate eating like crap. The only thing I don't eat on a normal basis is vegetables though. I hate em and never eat them. I think I'm going to start doing that. Omni should change this thread into a who wants to stop being a fat ass and start eating right with me. I'm there, I'm actually going to start balancing my diet. I've managed to stop drinking as much. I used to drink all day every day when I wasn't working. And all day after work (at least before I started having this on call thing). Now, I only have a beer every day. And the only reason why is because I saw a medical study a few years back that said drinking alcohol fights cancer caused by tobacco use. It said, of course, in moderation. I also like the taste.
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