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Full Version: [Guide] SF Important Threads Compilation
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Just spotted this. Great work Skill.
I realise more and more why you are staff here mate.
Always looking out for the community.
I think i will have to make some more tuts now to add to this list.
(01-25-2010, 08:12 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ]Just spotted this. Great work Skill.
I realise more and more why you are staff here mate.
Always looking out for the community.
I think i will have to make some more tuts now to add to this list.

Thank you for your kind feedback; I appreciate it. Smile

I look forward to seeing your new tutorials. They are always a pleasure to read.
Here you go, check this one out....

(01-26-2010, 05:35 AM)Master of The Universe Wrote: [ -> ]Here you go, check this one out....


That's a very detailed step by step guide and I'm sure it will be appreciated by the members of Support Forums, just like your others. For that reason; I've added it to the compilation. Smile
Yeah thanks, This was chilling around on HF, so I thought to get it over here... Big Grin
Nice list. Unless my computer is acting up again, the list of most used linux distros link actually links to "15 tips to improve your linux experience"
(01-26-2010, 12:08 PM)tacolord455 Wrote: [ -> ]Nice list. Unless my computer is acting up again, the list of most used linux distros link actually links to "15 tips to improve your linux experience"

Your computer isn't playing up; I accidentally used the wrong link. Thank you. Smile
Update: I've added 3 more threads to the Graphic Design and Tutorials section of the compilation.
(02-02-2010, 01:07 PM)Master of The Universe Wrote: [ -> ]I have another 2, if you like them...

Thank you. I've added them to the compilation. Smile
LOL Skill, sorry if I go on your nerves, but here is another one. Big Grin
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