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Ok guys, this is a game registration request. Just hear me out. Erepublik is a "social strategy" game in the admins words but to me it's like a virtual life. You can be President of a Nation but it takes a LOT of work, gaining people's trust ect. Have your own company. Plus Nations have to organize thier armies themselves, so for me it's more "independent" then other strategy games.
If your going to join then use my referal: and choose Pakistan as your country...if you want. Anyway here's an article I've been asked to do by the Pakistani Government:

Pakistan, what can we say? Can words truly describe the affection we have for our motherland? No, I guess not. That's why when a life simulation game based on Politics and armed conflict was created in Beta dozens of our fellow Pakistanis rushed to make our nation great. Times were good, let their be no mistake. We had the only Empire in the games history, stretching all the way from the north of China to the South of India. We layed the building stones in one of the great alliances, PEACE. We were renowned for striking fear in the hearts of Oppressors and hope in the Oppressed. Our economy was at the top of the game. We even had culture in ePakistan! But times change...

[Image: graph-300x299.jpg]

Today, with the start of V1 we were cursed with infertile regions, our population declined majorly. We descended into chaos. Once an Empire we were now inhabited by less the 50 citizens. PTO'ed, conquered that was our new story, but there was always hope. In recent times with our nation broken we attempted to build new bridges. We built a bridge with India, we thought that we were brothers. But no, India allowed one of our arch enemies the USA into their lands. We were betrayed, Indian soldiers barely masked the majority of American Commando's in their ranks. Sold out, when we gave you your freedom, then fought for it once it was taken again.

[Image: erep1.png]

[Image: erep2.png]

Together, with help from our allies we freed our nation and once again went broke. We tried to initiate a resurrection this past week with a training war, involving a Chinese region. But India intervened and "won" the war for China. They knew we were doing no wrongs but only wished to crush us. 50 of us versus 250 of them!

Our enemies, the USA have 20,000 citizens, their allies Poland have 60,000. We only have 50. What a climb down! They can occupy us without a moment's notice and we can't do anything about it.
So the Government of Pakistan has issued a movement to try to get as many fellow Pakistanis (and other nationalities, we are not prejudice!) to join the game and Pakistan. To help us, rebuild and become great once more.
If you want to help Pakistan use the following link, it will give you and the state 5 GOLD when you reach Level 6! A great addition of GOLD to our empty treasury!

C'Mon lets see our flag raised to the highest pillars of the New World! Strike fear into the hearts of our enemies! And our national anthem played in out streets with joy!

[Image: PakistanFlag.jpg]
Pakistan Zindabad!

NOTE: When you sign up, choose Punjab as you region. It is our most secure region currently. A repeat attack from India is feared imminent.
It seems cool I'll register right now.
What is your username? Is it 0_*something*?

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