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Support Forums Userscripts?
Do any of the older members have any SF userscripts?

If so, would you mind sharing them with us?
Most of the HF userscripts would presumably run the same here as on HF. You would just have to edit the domains from ** to **, if I understand how they work correctly.
[Image: QRCjW2pNdRK00.gif]
(10-09-2014, 11:20 AM)D3xus Wrote: Most of the HF userscripts would presumably run the same here as on HF. You would just have to edit the domains from ** to **, if I understand how they work correctly.

Yes that is correct. From Nico, a forum bookmarker.

// ==UserScript==
// @name       Forum-Bookmarker
// @namespace  TheEmpire
// @version    0.1
// @description  Allows you to bookmark some forums and add them to the header on HF.
// @include      **
// @copyright  2014+, 1n9i9c7om
// @require
// @grant      GM_setValue
// @grant      GM_getValue
// @grant      GM_deleteValue
// @grant      GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==


//GM_setValue("addedLinks", "fid=242|Empire|fid=280|Brotherhood|");
    console.log("addedLinks: " + GM_getValue("addedLinks"));
if(!GM_getValue("addedLinks") || GM_getValue("addedLinks") == "")
    GM_setValue("addedLinks", "empty");
    var addToHeader = "";
if(GM_getValue("addedLinks") != "empty")
       var linkList = GM_getValue("addedLinks").slice(0, -1).split("|");
       for (var i = 0; i < linkList.length; i++)
           addToHeader += " | <a href='/forumdisplay.php?" + linkList[i] + "#remove'>";
           addToHeader += linkList[i] + "</a>";

var regex = /\(Unread(.*?)\)/;
var revised = "(Unread $1)" + addToHeader;
document.getElementById('panel').innerHTML = document.getElementById('panel').innerHTML.replace(regex,revised);
  if($(this).attr("href").indexOf("forumdisplay.php") > -1)
    if($(this).attr("href").indexOf("#remove") > -1)
        var url = $(this).attr("href");
         var fid = "fid=" + url.split("fid=")[1].split("#remove")[0];
         var fName = $(this).text();
        console.log("Before: " + GM_getValue("addedLinks"));
        GM_setValue("addedLinks", GM_getValue("addedLinks").replace(fid + "|" + fName + "|", ""));
        if(GM_getValue("addedLinks") == "")
        console.log("After: " + GM_getValue("addedLinks"));
        alert(fName + " has been unbookmarked.");
        return true;
     var url = $(this).attr("href");
     var fid = "fid=" + url.split("fid=")[1];
     var fName = $(this).text();
     console.log(fid + "|" + fName + "|");
     if(GM_getValue("addedLinks") == "empty")
         GM_setValue("addedLinks", fid + "|" + fName + "|");
     GM_setValue("addedLinks", GM_getValue("addedLinks") + fid + "|" + fName + "|");
     alert(fName + " has been bookmarked.");


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