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Not sure what to do??
Basically I've noticed that somebody has taken my "Simpl" theme, edited it, and then distributed the edited version as his own, which means there are quite a few forums out there that are using my theme, with small edits, and in the footer the text "Theme by Adäkiähz".

Am I just going to have to accept that this idiot has leached my theme??
I mean I can't really go around every forum that's using it asking them to change the footer.
Google "Theme by Adäkiähz" and you'll see there are tons of forums using it...

Damn that sucks Fragma.
Where is he redistributing it? Could you not notify his host of copyright infringment?
I guess ultimately its to late now though. You need to make your copyright harder to remove?

Either was sorry to hear it mate. Loads of hard work all wasted now or so it seems.
I wonder if in time this theif will try blame you for taking his theme?
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Lol, I've just noticed he's even posted it and had it accepted on the official MyBB theme's website!!

I'm not really all that clued up when it comes to copyright, etc...
To be honest I wouldn't even mind so much if he'd just given credits rather than acting as if he made the whole thing.
Post a thread in to get that removed from Mods site.
If you are willing to join SF Webmasters.
(05-06-2012, 03:40 PM)Kewlz Wrote: Post a thread in to get that removed from Mods site.

Exactly mate. Silly theif posting it on mybb. They wont stand for that.
Go get him Fragma. If i can help in any way let me know.
The Rules!
FTW Forum <-- Home of the Damned! --> Join me On MM

Just post a thread, and post a link here. Damink will make a new account to help you Tongue
Jokes apart yes, you have our support go ahead.
If you are willing to join SF Webmasters.
Damink is damn right. Mybb won't stand for this. You have proof that you made it first right? So go and post a thread in this section:
Say that the theme which was yours was stolen and edited, then post proof that you made it first.

That should be about it. You can't let scum like this just walk over you Frags. Do something.
Now that it's all out there I think it's to late now. Try to contact him and ask why he is such a cavity.
Well I've messaged a member of staff on MyBB about it so hopefully it will be resolved. Thanks for the support guys!
Did you specify any form of copyright on the material you made? If not, I personally believe you shouldn't be complaining about it.

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