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So I need to rehaul my website...
I just really need something better than I currently have, because my old website was designed in GIMP and is generally not very nice. And I was just wondering what you guys think of this:
[Image: 3djdbar2notglowing.png]
Doesn't even look like a website template to me, more of a program GUI.
it looks quite nice, although I do have to agree with Laugh, I can't really see it being on a website. Just try it and find out for yourself. Smile
Agree with BreShiE and Laugh, its a good look, but I'm not sure for a website. Try it and see tho!
Yeah, I began to think so too. I think I'll make multiple windows with different things on them, and make them draggable with Javascript or something. Might work out in the end.
[Image: 3djdbar2notglowing.png]
Looks like a GUI tablet to be honest.
I think you should start over clean with a new idea.
[Image: burninglove4.png]
Looks sweet but I have to agree with the others. Looks nothing like a Website.
I agree with the first and second comments. Would not recommend that for a website, but you never know untill you try. Have a play around with a few different styles.
This really does look like a program. Not great for a website.
Good-Luck, I hope you get what you need Image above isn't exactly what I'd find appealing

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