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Want to sign up for a sport, but not sure if I'm up to it...
Well, in my area I have a large variety of sports to choose from, but I'm interested in either Karate or Kick-Boxing. Well, kick-boxing sounds more appealing to me, but I'm thinking that I won't be able to handle it lol. I'm not weak or anything, just clumsy and un-coordinated. So, I'm worried that I will make a fool of myself there xD.

Is there a way to improve my co-ordination and stop being clumsy? I have a weak sight on my left eye which is making my left side of the body weaker, cause I can't keep track of everything that's happening with only one eye.

Any tips how to get rid of clumsiness and become confident and go sign up? I don't want to come home with half of my teeth missing :O xD
I bet you taking the classes will help you, man. I mean, they train you for it. I say just sign up for it. You won't do any real sparring for a long time, bro, so your teeth are fine. lol.
It's not like Karate Kid, you'll have a mouthguard. I used to be a wrestler back in high school. I went to nationals and all that stuff, and got a few golds that I still have actually. I actually would consider it the most dynamic 'fighting' sport there is. Kickboxing is mostly lower body, even though the cardio involved works on most of your abdominal area too. Something like boxing trains your upper body, but against a kickboxer, your lower body would get killed in a fight. With wrestling, it's everything, and actually a lot more difficult than most people think. Over my years with wrestling i've actually became a lot better of a person I believe. It trains you for determination, perseverance, endurance (some matches will go for 15 mins), strength, power, and lots of other things because the competition and competitive attitude where I lived was big.

There's so many different styles in wrestling too that it takes a lot of mental awareness to react. I've went against wrestlers who would throw me almost every time with hip tosses, shoulder throws, fireman throws, etc... And other wrestlers I would wrestle would take less risks and were just quick, then there were others that were just really technical and smart. I was more of the power guy though, so my strength I used most of the time.

If you look at something like UFC, most of the successful top fighters actually started out as wrestlers, because it's really the most dynamic sport that trains everything in balance.

>> If you ever verse a Russian, be prepared lol. They seem to train in fighting sports at a very young age, and it seems to be why they are pretty good.


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