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Become Emotionless?
Does anyone know how to become emotionless? Maybe any tips on how to make yourself emotionless. I'm tired of being so emotional and just want to either tone it down or get rid of it completely. Thanks for any help.
There's no way to become emotionless, it's a part of the human body, a part of the world.

You're given it through your genes, you can't get rid of it, and at some times more emotion is bad, but other times, you'd wish you'd have even more of it.

It's a good thing at times, but it can also be hard at times.
Chase your dreams, and if it doesn't work, dream a new dream. -Louis “Coach” Presutti
There isn't a surefire way to become emotionless, but there is a way to suppress your emotions. Even if you could become emotionless, it might not be the best thing anyways, since it could seriously influence your decisions etc. in a negative way. One emotion is fear, and although some people say that fear is just weakness, without it you would be doing things that you would regret, and you would probably end up dying.
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You cannot get rid of your emotions, you can just suppress them. I personally don't have a problem with expressing my emotions. . .
[Image: t0xdZ.gif]
Mate To Get Emotion less You have to kill your Best friend...
Medicine might help... Xanax maybe?
Psychopaths are quite emotionless, though a normal healthy human can't be emotionless. However, you can LOOK emotionless by practicing to resist all kinds of things that may happen.

I don't suggest doing so, because if you want to be human, show your emotions.
(09-01-2011, 08:54 PM)Mark Zuckerberg Wrote: There's no way to become emotionless, it's a part of the human body, a part of the world.

You're given it through your genes, you can't get rid of it, and at some times more emotion is bad, but other times, you'd wish you'd have even more of it.

It's a good thing at times, but it can also be hard at times.

Actually there is, but you wouldn't want to because that's how sociopaths are defined. You wouldn't be able to do right from wrong I doubt it, because they are determined by instinct which is usually a derivation of emotion.

If you were raised up around no drama at all; say you were in a room with no objects for the first 7 years of your life. You didn't know you had a family, and you didn't know the world existed because of how you were brought up. I'm not sure how you would go out into the world as for how people would react to you, but you would probably think of it to be out of the norm because mentally "you lived in the norm" to yourself.

How would you know why people laugh or why people cry.

People brought up who seem to be "tougher" than others is partly because their parent's don't freak out like a mom usually does when you scrape your knees or something. You'll notice that they don't cry until you give them a reason to, because they look at you to determine how to react to it. Sure it may hurt for them if it's a bad knee scrape, but a kid will make a bigger deal out of it if you freak out because it worries them.

If you were brought up to the extreme of this concept. You could have virtually no emotion because you haven't developed it yet.

On the other hand you could be a sociopath, which is deemed as a "disease" by doctors, but I think it's a load of crap. People are different, they just don't like people that are sociopath's in society because they are dangerous. Same with depression, it's a natural thing, but doctors claim it as some kind of illness or disease so they can suggest to you some pills to take.
Well thanks for the responses. I think I will just become less emotional. I use to not have any feelings for anyone no matter what happen to them. Going to try and get it back. Thank you to everyone who answered my question.
I've successfully managed to suppress my emotions to an extent. It's not by choice though. You have to think about everything rationally, and when something happens that would usually trigger and emotion, you have to accept that it happened and just move on.

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