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Robot Class Example
Hey guys. This is just a nice little starter example I guess you could call it for anyone who wants to start using the java.awt.Robot class. It's good for automations and such.

Have fun! If you use it for something, just adding my name would be great!

import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class RobotClass extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
Robot robot;

  public RobotClass(){

        System.out.println("Made by Robert Maxwell for Anyone who uses this w/o permission");
        System.out.println("Should exit this now.");
      robot = new Robot();
    }catch(AWTException e){e.printStackTrace();}

                          JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
                            new GridLayout(1,3));

    JToggleButton b1 = new JToggleButton( "1" );
    JToggleButton b2 = new JToggleButton( "2" );
    JToggleButton b3 = new JToggleButton( "3" );

    //I need to put some more buttons in when I get the chance


    //Set look and feel
    String plafClassName =
               "" +
     }catch(Exception ex){ex.printStackTrace();}

     //Cause the new L&F to apply

    //Make the frame visible
    setVisible( true );
  }//end constructor

  //Define the event handler that is registered
  // on each of the buttons.
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    JToggleButton button =
    //Spawn a thread to handle the event and
    // return from the event handler method.
    new HandleEvent(button,this).start();
  }//end actionPerformed

  //Objects of this inner Thread class are
  // spawned to handle action events on the
  // buttons.
  class HandleEvent extends Thread{
    JToggleButton button;
    ActionListener listener;

    HandleEvent(JToggleButton button,
                        ActionListener listener){
      this.button = button;
      this.listener = listener;
    }//end constructor

    public void run(){
      //Get the button's location.
      Point location =
      //Disable action events on this button
      // until this process is complete.  Don't
      // allow the robot to generate an action
      // event on this button.
      //Cause the mouse pointer to automatically
      // move across the screen and click on the
      // button that fired the event currently
      // being processed.  This will un-select
      // the toggle button.
              location.x + button.getWidth()/2,//sets for teh go1ng tew teh middlez
              location.y + button.getHeight()/2);
      //Re-enable action events on this button
    }//end run

  }//end class HandleEvent

  public void mouseMoveAndClick(int xStart,
                                int yStart,
                                int xLoc,
                                int yLoc){
    //Move the mouse pointer to the starting
    // position

    //Change the cursor to a hand and delay
    setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));

    //Use double precision to avoid cumulative
    // arithmetic errors.  Calculate the
    // incremental distance for animated mouse
    // pointer movement.  Make animation speed
    // appropriate for distance to be traveled.
    double div;
    if ((xLoc - xStart) < 50.0) div = 15;
    else if ((xLoc - xStart) < 100.0) div = 30;
    else div = 60;

    double xInc = (xLoc - xStart)/div;
    double yInc = (yLoc - yStart)/div;

    //Initialize, and then execute a loop to move
    // the mouse pointer from the starting
    // position to the center of the button.
    // Sleep for 60 msec between each movement.
    double x = xStart;
    double y = yStart;
    while(((int)x < xLoc) || ((int)y < yLoc)){
      x += xInc;
      y += yInc;
    }//end while loop

    //Press and then release the left mouse
    // button when the mouse pointer is resting
    // in the location of the JToggleButton.

    //Return the cursor to the starting position
    // and restore it to a default pointer.
    setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
  }//end mouseMoveAndClick

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String input;
    Scanner checkInput = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter Password");
    input = checkInput.nextLine();
    if (!input.equalsIgnoreCase("hackforum")){
    else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("hackforum")){
     new RobotClass();

I'll be posting more in the coming weeks!
Hey thanks for this. I've been searching for something like this for a while.
Great, I'll be sure to use this as a learning resource. Thanks bro.

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