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Reseting Bios Tut
Well first of all this is my first tutorial so I hope you like it!

So one day you are messing around with your computer, and you come across something called BIOS. You tinker with it, and decide to save it to see if you've made your computer any better! Well as soon as you save it, when rebooting you are given a black screen. OH NO! Its not booting up!
Don't fear. Because there is a way to reset BIOS (thank god that's avalable).

1.) Now if you haven't already, shutdown your computer and switch your power supply from on to off (I/O).

2.) Open your case and locate your BIOS battery. If you don't know what those looks like. Here's a picture Big Grin (It should look similar to this)
[Image: EEA0E09.jpg]

3.) Now locate the 3 pin jumper by the battery and replace it into the other opposite pins. For example, lets say the jumper is in pins 1 and pins 2. While your computer is off, remove it from those pins, and replace it back in pins 2 and pins 3. Power your computer back up, notice it does not boot up, just is powering the bios chip to reset, wait 10 or more seconds, and then replace the jumper back into pins 1 and 2. (It should look like this, however you may all have different motherboards so it may be in a section with other pins such as speakers, or something else.)

[Image: W20090910-BIOS.jpg]

Wait, so Keyreaper, all I have to do is, move the pin over, turn it on, wait a few seconds, then put it back where it was in the first place?

Exactly! If done correctly, after replacing the pins the computer should boot up as normal, it may go though a systems check or some other thing of the sort, then boot up to your OS!

But Keyreaper I tried what you said to do, and it still hasn't worked.

Well there are some alternative solutions, one of them is to remove the BIOS batter (picture above) and remove the power supply cord. Then hold your power button to drain your motherboard and everything else of power, I'd also do it one more time to make sure, and if you want to be even more sure, you can wait a whole day so all the energy is lost. After doing the selected steps. You just replace the battery, and power supply cord. The only real disadvantage to this is it is not as fast as the solution above because you have to make sure the electricity has dispersed.

And finally if you still can't find a solution I suggest using Google. But if you were smart enough you would have probably used it already.

Hope this solved your problem!!!
Wow thanks. Some idiot tech guy set a pass on my bios, and I can't remove it. Since this is a laptop, I didn't want to do this. Any other ideas of removing the BIOS pass? Maybe ophcrack can help?
[Image: vhc689.jpg]
do noт мaĸe мe мad. ι wιll ĸιll yoυ.
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Anonymous rep is for freakin cowards!
any1 know the answer for skulltraill?
[Image: juan9087.jpg]
(10-10-2009, 12:38 AM)SkullTraill Wrote: Wow thanks. Some idiot tech guy set a pass on my bios, and I can't remove it. Since this is a laptop, I didn't want to do this. Any other ideas of removing the BIOS pass? Maybe ophcrack can help?

Try looking for the backup BIOS passwords, although I have never needed one, I have heard that almost all computers have them.
(except with your computer's full name and model)
Great tut, I've tried these already and work for me since I tinkered a lot with my BIOS in the past. 5 stars. Big Grin
[Image: wa3bbk.jpg]
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Once, my board wouldn't even begin the pre-boot testing!
I sent it back to be exchanged for a new one. (Cost $124 because it was being shipped 1/2 way across the world and they would only accept it if it had a certain type of postage) Got a new one back... didn't work at all... same problem!

Sent it away, got a new one back ($124 later) and same problem.
Called through to America (whilst it was 2am over there) and was on the phone for 2 hours trouble shooting. Turned out, all I had to do, was tap my BIOS chip, because it was loose. I barely touched the thing!

At least the tech support guy wasn't one of those assholes who talks to you like a child because you don't know what hes talking about. Then when you do find out what they're talking about you realize what they said made no sense at all and you are actually more educated on the subject then they are themselves. (I hat Optus)
Nice tutorial. Some of the newer boards have on-board CMOS Reset buttons which is pretty cool.
Nice tutorial! I'm too chicken to touch BIOS, but if I ever feel like I can do it, I will keep this on hand! Thanks!
[Image: arch2.png]

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