03-21-2006, 12:22 PM
This neat trick will change the mouse pointer when
you hover it over links that will open a new window. Add the following code to your userContent.css file:
This tip will change the mouse pointer when you hover it over links that will perform a JavaScript command. Add the following code to
your userContent.css file:
you hover it over links that will open a new window. Add the following code to your userContent.css file:
/* Change cursor for links that open in
new window */
:link[target="_blank"], :visited[target="_blank"],
:link[target="_new"], :visited[target="_new"] {
cursor: crosshair;
This tip will change the mouse pointer when you hover it over links that will perform a JavaScript command. Add the following code to
your userContent.css file:
/* Change cursor for JavaScript links */
a[href^="javascript:"] {
cursor: move;