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How to Survive High School
High school Survival Guide

"Cognosco, Duco, Perficio"

Table Of Contents
1- Introduction
1A- Picking Your Classes
2- Getting around
2A- Transport
2B- Time Management
3- Friends
3A- Who to be friends with
3B- How to be friends
4- Sports
5- Clubs And Activites
6- Classes
6A- Teachers
6B- Homework
6C- Tests and Quizes
6D- Extra Credit
6E- Exams
7- Other links


Ok i hope this guide will help you in your adventure through high school. High school should be the best years of your life, so enjoy it! It is preparing you for the outside world, for your careers and your life. Just do good in school and hang with the right crowd.
Picking you classes

This is high school you need to be sure to pick the classes you like. Whatever classes you do pick you need to do good in. Since your on Support Forums, im going to assume that your into computers. So pick classes related to computers, yes you will probally be stuck in a class where you know more then the others. But you can still learn in those classes, plus cant hurt your resume. But those are electives, you need to get your core classes. That is things like Math and Science. In middle school you need to try to get high school classes. Trust me it will make high school that much more rewarding. So try to get into Algebra in 7th grade, Geometry in 8th and then Algebra 2 in 9th and so on. Also try to be in Earth Space science in 8th, then biology in 9th. Thats what i did and im glad i did, of course your school will be different. Point is to get into the classes that are the most difficult for your grade level. Avoid getting easy classes, unless you must. Make sure to make a plan for your high school year, make sure you get enough credits to graduate.

Getting Around

Getting to school and around school is obviously an important thing. It is actually necissary for school, as they do punish for not being there. This section i will talk about how to manage your time wisely. Also i will talk about transportation. Let me Begin

Transportation plays a vital roll in high school. Everyones means of Transportation differ. If you live near the school then walk, if you live far away then bus or car.
But most school give the option of having 1st through 7th, 1st through 6th and 2nd through 7th. Usually if you have 2nd through 7th, they wont provide a bus. They provide buses for 1st period and 6th period. Schools may differ! if you ride the bus and your not friends with the seniors, i suggest you dont sit in the back. Here is how buses usually work, freshman front and seniors in back, then rest in the middle. Follow this and they wont harass you on the bus.
Time Management

This is another thing you need to learn to do. You MUST manage your time wisely, especially if you have to use a locker in between classes. Thing is schools do punish you for being late. So be there on time, if you need to talk to someone, talk to them while your walking to your class. You dont have time to be diddly daddling, so just get there and talk before and after school and at lunch. First time usually is a warning, second is detention and third is a refferal thats at my high school. Also make sure to not be absent to much, it can cause you to flunk. Thats if their unexcused though.
So you get the point? Get to class on time, if you need to use the locker, you will just have to get used to doing it really fast. Find the shortcuts to your classes, and walk as fast as you can if needed.

Friends very very important part of high school, i dont think i could do anything without them. They can protect you, they can help you, they can comfort you. They can do anything you need. Friends are more then a useful asset they also are really fun to have. But you also need to make sure to pick the right ones. High school is like prison, you either have to be friends with the biggest and baddest or beat them up.
Who to be friends with

Well its always a good idea, to be friends with the strongest and most popular guys. Get to be good buddies with him, also get in with the popular girls. You know so you can have a little more fun =D. Probally should avoid the nerds, geeks and anyone who is unpopular. Im not telling you to dump all of your friends, just its high school and it would help not to be seen with them. If they are your true friends never leave them and take any pain coming.
How to be friends

This can be easy or it can be hard. All you usually have to do is act like you have alot in common. If they are football finatics, then act as if you are to. try to find or create a common ground. Then just start talking and hanging out, then soon or later you will be in with their click.

Sports will make high school more fun. But its not required to survive it. It will help you get friends and girls. If you join a sports team im sure high school will be more fun, plus look better on your transcripts.
Clubs and activites

Just like Sports it will make your high school experience that much better. Once again it looks good on your transcripts. Avoid clubs like anime clubs and other things like that, do go and join all the ones that intrest you though.

Enjoy them, succeed in them and be there for them. Make sure you give 110 percent!
Dont fail! Make sure to pay attention and pick what interests you.

All teachers are different, there are laid back ones, average ones and even strict ones. Pray you get 1 laid back, and rest average. Actually you may want strict in the core classes. You will learn more. Always get on a teachers good side thats one thing to remember. Make sure to get work turned in on time, if you cant then see my other guide on it. Link will be at bottom.
6B Homework

Homework is going to be needed to keep your grades up. Few key tips, write neatly, turn it in on time, take your time. Provide quality work, the teacher will give you a good grade and like you more.
Tests And Quizes

This is the biggest portion of your grade. Obvious Tips! STUDY! I know noone likes studying but you need to do it. Try not to cheat cause they will punish you. Its not good to be punished...... If you do cheat then dont get caught. I will post a link to cheating on tests or something.
Extra Credit

Simple as this, do all the extra credit you can. If a teacher offers it then do it! No questions asked! If you get enough extra credit points, you will be ok if you fail a homework or get a bad grade on something. So do it!

On exam days, dont even attempt to cheat. You will fail miserably, teachers are intelligent they have ways to prevent cheating. Even to completely stop cheating. Exams are a big part of your grade, so study very hard for a week for them! A good grade on an exam really helps. If you have a good grade in an elective like spanish you will get the chance to exempt it. Meaning you wont have to do an exam for that class! Yay one less long long test!
Other Links
Wow, I actually might write this down and be a paranoid person.
But honestly, The senior part kinda scares me. LOL
Well, Im bored. PM me if you need a (free) signature made.
[Image: 28jics5.png]
I disagree with the friends one. I appreciate it helps to be friends with the popular people, but if they're assholes like they're at my school why should you be friends with them? You should be friends with whoever you feel comfortable with.
(06-29-2010, 12:16 PM)TheGeniusism Wrote: I disagree with the friends one. I appreciate it helps to be friends with the popular people, but if they're assholes like they're at my school why should you be friends with them? You should be friends with whoever you feel comfortable with.

I know, I am friends with everyone. Which is the best thing to do...
(06-29-2010, 12:20 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: I know, I am friends with everyone. Which is the best thing to do...

I'm friends with nearly everyone, except the popular people, they know me and I know them but the conversations never last more then a 'hi'
(06-29-2010, 12:26 PM)TheGeniusism Wrote: I'm friends with nearly everyone, except the popular people, they know me and I know them but the conversations never last more then a 'hi'

I understand, I am like that with some of the more rich snotty ones.
lol im gonna follow this next year.... as of right now im in summer school
Bummer, might help in summer school. I'm not sure, never been.
(06-29-2010, 05:00 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: Bummer, might help in summer school. I'm not sure, never been.

lol this is my first year nd it hasnt started yet so....
Oh well when it does this might help.

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