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Help managing my anger
Hey guys I need a little help managing my anger not that I have an anger issue but when I get angry It feels like I'm being engulfed in sheer power and anger I almost killed a guy at a fight any help?
Hit your bed or a wall or a teddybear.
Hitting things when you are angry actually doesn't help you get out your anger, it just makes it worse, and makes you tired for the time being. If you hit things, like your bed, you're just creating more anger that will come out later, but at the same time becoming to tired to be extremly enraged anymore.

I would suggest you take walks, they clear your head, and fresh air is literally good for you, it will make you less stressed. Also try writing, write about how angry you are for a while, list different perspectives and feelings. Then throw it away, or keep it. Your choice.

But whatever you do, don't hit things. That can set you up to having some serious impulse control problems later on when you're angry, which means you'll throw something across the room without really thinking about it.
You could do exercises like walking, weight lifting, etc.. You could also listen to music and find hobbies and do things that interest you.
[Image: b7yj2x.png]
in anger management as per my parole guidelines i learned that breathing in a pattern and counting inside my head for 10 seconds helps me conquer that initial anamalistic burst of rage... you know that feeling in your stomach that makes you feel like it would be ok to tear his arm off and beat him to death with it .. yea that rage can be released through the right methods... each person is different but i think it might help you to try and keep your head about you in the throws of anger... when something happens initially and you feel that tight feeling in your chest.. and your muscles tighten up so much it almost feels good... just remember that it isnt healthy to get that upset all the time ... try to breath through it while counting in your head.. i know it might sound juvenile or cliche but i find that it works for me ... that paired with the immediate mental picture and thought that i make myself think in those moments.. and that is of my 2 daughters 3 and 1 1/2 years old and i tell myself if theye were right here looking at me what would my oldest tell me? just try not to think about the fact that you would like to do things to them to alleviate your anger because it is not the answer.... at least these are things i picked up in my AM classes that work for me... though i think if you can relate to anything that i have said i believe you might find some ground in all of it..
In my opinion, you don't have to do anything radical. It takes a real man to suck it up and move on.
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
(05-05-2010, 08:23 PM)Pink Floyd Wrote: Hitting things when you are angry actually doesn't help you get out your anger, it just makes it worse, and makes you tired for the time being. If you hit things, like your bed, you're just creating more anger that will come out later, but at the same time becoming to tired to be extremly enraged anymore.

I would suggest you take walks, they clear your head, and fresh air is literally good for you, it will make you less stressed. Also try writing, write about how angry you are for a while, list different perspectives and feelings. Then throw it away, or keep it. Your choice.

But whatever you do, don't hit things. That can set you up to having some serious impulse control problems later on when you're angry, which means you'll throw something across the room without really thinking about it.
I tend to disagree with this. Hitting objects, for me, unleashes the actions I would feel obligated to manifest for another in an inanimate object. Thus, I am achieving the anger driven action and not getting locked-up for homicide.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
Try to talk to someone,if that doesn't help try to write your name upside down and on a wrong side ex: John/nhoJ (got it) also try to run a 200m or more so you'll probably forgot the fight or anger.
[Image: 28jy5v9.png]
i suggest talking to someone about you're problems. Try that. (:
Smoke a cigarette or just go to bed and just think about nice things.

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