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Stupid Woman - Need Advice
Okay I will try to explain this as best as possible. Also please read it all and don't reply if you've got nothing to say.

Basically this week my parents are in New York and I am at home with my step brother and his fiancee. Now I live in England so it's not like my parents are anywhere near also I can't phone them very easily because of the time zone and the charges.

I am 17 and my parents asked my step brother and his fiancee to come down for the week from Manchester mainly I think because my parents are thousands of miles away and they just wanted someone there in the house with me. I can do what I please and they're aren't any rules set in the house and it's not like my step brother or his fiancee are anything special in terms of having control over me.

However I am not doing anything different than what I usually do except the fact that I am off school all week so I am spending most of my free time relaxing and gaming on my PC and XBox.

Now I am currently sticking to a revision schedule that I do from 11am to around 1:30pm - 2pm depending on how much I get done. This schedule I have stuck to for the last week and my parents even said that my revision is going really well and I'm sure he'll keep it up.

Basically my problem is that the fiancee is very controlling. She's one of those people who thinks she known best about everything and anything even though she's only 26. My step brother must ask her permission to play on the XBox or do anything gaming related even though He's a Doctor and he's got a PHD and he's 29.

She is trying to control my gaming and computer usage my saying to me "Have you moved from that computer since I last saw you?" and "Have you been outside today?" or "So apart from making yourself some food you haven't been of the computer?!"

She tries to make me feel guilty about spending my free time enjoyably on the computer for some reason she thinks things like this are evil.

Then she dropped the Girlfriend Bombshell:

Conversation as follows:
Her: Have you got a girlfriend yet Sam?
Me: No not yet
Her: Why don't you get one?
Me: I'm not really bothered at the moment I don't mind
Her: You just think a girlfriend will get you off the computer
Me: (thinking, ? Are you stupid) No I just can't be bothered at the moment to try and make a relationship I have lots of things to focus on it doesn't bother me.
Her: Laughs sarcastically

So I need to know how to say some good things to her to make here shut up and get off my case. She is not my mother, or blood relation or even family yet so who is she really? Can I just say to her, your not in control.

What I've come up with (Your suggestions please)

I will say to her "How do you enjoy spending your free time? I play on the computer"


You think the computer is pointless? I think your dumbass point of views are pointless and your views and opinion count for nothing to me.


Life in a broader sense is pointless, we are all just counting down the hours until we die. Why can't I enjoy them?

Please comments and suggestions. How do I deal with this women?
I think you need to say something. Sounds like she is just bitching at you (excuse my French) because she has nothing else better to do. And why the hell is it her business if you have a girl friend or not? Some people have different priorities. I think you should talk to your brother and ask him for help. If all else fails, tell her ass of. It truly does sound like she is being a jerk-off for her own amusement.
You should like be the boss dude. Girls are suppose to follow you if they really like you.
You need to speak up, really. If she makes a wise crack, throw one back at her. Never mind the fact that she is your soon-to-be sister-in-law; she obviously hasn't taken it into thought that you will be her brother-in-law (in a way?). If she says, "Have you moved from that computer since I last saw you?", simply say, "Is that any of your business? This is my house. I can do what I please." If she says something like, "Why don't you have a girlfriend?", say something like, "Why don't you have any manners? Leave me alone." You have to be abrasive, lest she just think you're kidding. The more of a jerk you are, the more she'll leave you alone. Maybe you should rant to your brother as well. Maybe something like: "Look, X, I have had it up to here with X (or 'your fiancée) making snarky comments about me since y'all have been here. It's uncalled for and she has no place to be doing it. I'm asking you to talk to her. I'm not going to sit around and let her talk down to me as if she's better than me. I am tired of it."

If you aren't willing to do something about it, then you might as well close this topic. I'm merely saying this 'cause you sound rather timid.
Stand up for yourself. If she thinks your a nerd prove her wrong.
(04-12-2010, 08:26 PM)HTML Wrote: Stand up for yourself. If she thinks your a nerd prove her wrong.

The only way to change her mind about him being a nerd is to go do some jocky thing like play rugby all week long. What he needs to do is get her to keep her mouth shut.
Thanks for your comments. But I think upsetting her when I'm alone with her all week maybe isn't smart.

I will try and send her a back off message.
Just a variation on the last line: Life in a broader sense is pointless, we are all just counting down the hours until we die. Why can't I enjoy them?

Life in a broader sense is pointless, we are all just counting down the hours until we die. Why can't I enjoy them the way I want?

Or get a internet subscription via satellite so you can game somewhere else Tongue
Tell her what you think of her, how bossy she is and everything, how you can't spend even a day without her giving you "dumb" advice. Is she normally that bossy or just with you?
(04-13-2010, 04:09 AM)Sam Wrote: Thanks for your comments. But I think upsetting her when I'm alone with her all week maybe isn't smart.

I will try and send her a back off message.


You have a right to be happy in your own home. What is she going to do? She will get the message and leave you alone. At the most, you can simply ignore her. That ought to send a message.

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