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Becoming Smarter?
Is there a way to become smarter, i want my GPA to go up and i want to "know everything". I know that sounds messed up but i want to have good grades, right now i have A's and B's. Im striving for A's!!

Any tips on how to get all A's?
You could pay attention in class, do all of your work, and if you don't understand something ask for help. Also, you can self educate a little bit. Read news articles, how to's, wiki pages, etc...
[Image: b7yj2x.png]
Well i have a problem paying attention i sometimes day dream.
(03-03-2010, 07:03 PM)Plastic Wrote: Well i have a problem paying attention i sometimes day dream.

Lmao, yeah I hear ya man. I have trouble paying attention myself. But what I do is I just Google anything I want to learn, or look it up on Wikipedia. Like I've never really been taught much about history in school, but I do know a bit about it because of Wikipedia, Google, and the History channel.
[Image: b7yj2x.png]
Ridilin? That drug they give ADHD kids.

Really, the only way to do it is pay more attention in class, or find out how you learn best and teach yourself!
But the second option takes a LOT more effort. So I would suggest working on your attention span.
Google how to do this. It can include cutting down your television hours because the ad breaks actually shorten your attention span by causing you to zone out every time they come on! weird huh?
Theres a million ways to do it, some will work for you and some won't.
Not sure... Untill I was like 12-13 I never learned anything.
But I always had high grades and was smarter than the other kids in my class.

So, I think it's "smatness" is something you get born with.
But you could ofcourse read all the encyclopedias from A to Z.
[Image: 58iH.gif]
Smartness is not measured by grades. And my advice is don't take pills for ADHD unless you find it really difficult to pay attention and its a problem for you.
Verum quaere et insaniam inveni
I have the same problem, kind of.
Some subjects I am straight up not interested in at all. An example would be Government, or any type of history. Usually I just draw or doodle in that class.
I never pay attention in Government (I take AP), never read, never participate mainly because it's pointless to me. I went in that class with the intentions of dropping it the first two weeks of school, but apparently you couldn't drop that class, which made no sense to me at all because it was AP.. I absolutely hate politics and the only reason I took that class is because a bunch of my friends took that class. Had to do with something with class size. Heh, class size shouldn't be an issue anymore, they're firing 320 teachers by next year in my district, which means more packed classes..

I always say that I'm going to do something to help my grades, but I don't, and it all comes down to laziness. But I know, if I actually try, and try hard enough, grades wouldn't be the issue. I just wish that I had the capability to be an all around smart guy.
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I will look up a bunch of stuff, but i wish i had a photographic memory, is there a way to get a photographic memory or are you just born with it?
(03-04-2010, 04:24 PM)Plastic Wrote: I will look up a bunch of stuff, but i wish i had a photographic memory, is there a way to get a photographic memory or are you just born with it?

I'm pretty sure you have to be born with it. There are however ways to improve your memory. Google how to do it. Also, I heard that your memory will improve if you eat a cup of blueberries a day.
[Image: b7yj2x.png]

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