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Sad day in my household.
Just heard my brothers partner lost there baby.
Only 8 weeks into the pregnancy still its bad news.
Now i have to go over there and offer support?????????
How the hell can i support someone when this happens?
I know its natures way of terminating a baby that probably would have had serious issues but that really dont cut the mustard when its so close to home.
My thought is go over there and get blind drunk with him and just listen.
Dunno really what the correct approach is.
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(12-16-2009, 05:38 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Sad day in my household.
Just heard my brothers partner lost there baby.
Only 8 weeks into the pregnancy still its bad news.
Now i have to go over there and offer support?????????
How the hell can i support someone when this happens?
I know its natures way of terminating a baby that probably would have had serious issues but that really dont cut the mustard when its so close to home.
My thought is go over there and get blind drunk with him and just listen.
Dunno really what the correct approach is.
Well, I think you should just be there for him. That's what he really needs; someone to be there. And anything else will just go right over his head; what's important is that he knows you care.
BTW, I see this topic has been left untouched for several hours; very sensitive indeed. I would suggest though, if you don't have a problem with it, to let good fellow Rawkfist know in his prayer request thread. I know he will pray for you.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
My step mom had a still born in 2001. That was a tough time. It sucks, and only time will heal the wounds. The only thing you can do is listen to him at first, let him know you are there, then try to tactfully steer the topic to something else. Of course, leave your coming twins out of it.
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Thanks for the advice. I think your correct. I will just go down there and more or less do whatever he wants to.
I know he needs someone to just talk crap to for a few hrs. Clear his mind a bit i expect.
As for the prayer. Bit late for that i must say. But thank you also.
(12-16-2009, 06:13 PM)Grizzly Wrote: My step mom had a still born in 2001. That was a tough time. It sucks, and only time will heal the wounds. The only thing you can do is listen to him at first, let him know you are there, then try to tactfully steer the topic to something else. Of course, leave your coming twins out of it.

It could not have been worse timing this way. I am his younger brother and he sort of thinks. Why can he be successful and me have all these problems. I understand his feelings. Poor bugger he is. Seems every christmas time bad things happen to him.
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(12-16-2009, 06:14 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Thanks for the advice. I think your correct. I will just go down there and more or less do whatever he wants to.
I know he needs someone to just talk crap to for a few hrs. Clear his mind a bit i expect.
As for the prayer. Bit late for that i must say. But thank you also.
Aye, the prayer is for your brother's consolation.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
Understand Аноним Интерфейс sorry about that.
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Aww dude. When i first read the topic i thought it was your wife. I was Like AHH, but it's still no good man. If it helps i'll pray for him and his partner to get through this tough time so close to Christmas.

I wouldn't get drunk and listen, unless he is also getting drunk. I would just listen and offer support.
One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.
I also thought it was his wife at first, especially after he said in another thread his wife was going to the hospital.
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My sincerest sympathies. My aunt had two miscarriages. I know how that feels. Not literally of course but to be a family member.

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