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Advise on parental favoritism and estrangement
So until my teens it was just my mother and I. She married when I was in my teens and gave birth to my sister. It became pretty obvious very quickly who was the favorite. Now I understand that babies need more attention than older children, but as a small child she was never as affectionate with me. As I grew older my sister was never reprimanded for bad behavior, yet I would be grounded by my mother or step-dad for several months at a time for minor offenses. Birthdays were always skimpy for me, and gifts were lavished upon my sister for hers. Same went for Christmas. I always had food in my stomach and clothes to wear, but I would always have to get my clothes at second hand stores or just a few things if they were new. My sister would get new clothes on a regular basis. In my later teens I began to experience verbal/mental abuse from my step-father andmy mother sat back and let it happen. Just after I turned 18 they divorced, and she has been trying to make it up to my sister ever since. My sister is a teenager now and she always has the newest cellphone, got a new laptopĀ for her last birthday and an almost new car for this birthday. At her age I didn't even get a birthday cake, and when I was given a car, it was after I graduated highschool, and it didn't run.I could probably let the favoritism go if my sister was a good kid, but she isn't. She lies, screams at our mother, talks back and steals. I have tried confronting my mom on the favoritism and she denies it. During the conversation she tried to make excuses for things like why my sister got the new car, such as saying she helped me with moving (this was last year and has no bearing on when and what kind of car she got for each of us as our first). We haven't spoken in over a month now, and the longer it goes, the more I feel like she is glad we aren't talking anymore and that she doesn't love me. It is heartbreaking to feel like this, since up until the arguement we talked pretty much every day...even though most times she was distracted or only half listening.

Has anyone else had something similar happen? I've just been a wreck lately because of this.
The further down the line of children you get it seems the more lax the parents become. I have three siblings and you can see a shift in the parenting. My youngest sibling got away with way more than my older sister an I. As far as the financial aspect, I am making an assumption that your mother and step father are more well off than when you were little? I'm sorry to hear you and your mother are not talking now, that is horrible. She is probably just as hurt as you are but maybe is waiting for you to make the first move to apologize? I am sure your mother still loves you, she is probably just hurt.

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