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OMFG right when I start typing this she starts to talk to me YJHGFBH

Just to start off: Yes, this is a big post and if you don't want to read it please read the bold paragraph at the bottom

Okay let's start this off. There's this girl, I like her like boys do with girls, and I like her a very muchy lot. Like, a LOT. I think about her all the time, I dream about her and can't stop talking to her. I'd rather be with her 24/7 and cuddle her all the time.

I don't know where to start really. We got to know eachother a lot better since 9 months ago now, and she turned from being a stranger into my best female friend into my freakin crush. Just when I though she'd be the best freakin female friend I'd ever have! At first I pushed away those feelings because I wanted her to be just a friend, nothing more. Strange stuff happened (Not going to tell here, this post'd get too long). Anyways, I started to freakin love her (God damnit hence my shitty typos and English here and there, I'm fed up and feel weird and energetic and WDAWDFAS I don't know how to describe it all, typing this makes me even more.. Whatever the fudge I am right now)

Anyways to the point (Hence my cussing, I'd rather not do it but my fingers are typing right now and my brainsa re going all crazy) So me and her hung around for a while, I become for as far as I know her best male friend, we did a lot together outside of school and eventually went to another city with her, where she'd visit two old friends. They didn't want her to take a guy with her, yet she convinced them I was cool and stuff so we went there. (Sorry for any possible changes of events in my story, I'm talking to her right now and she's like two persons at the same time) Our conversations usually include a lot of flattering, because of her I hang out with female friends more easily, and I started to freakin love her.

Then everytime I talk to her, she reacts differently. Last time we talked she literelly ended the conversation with:

"I LOVE YOU!! (L)(L)(L) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
And stuff and no, I am not like a kid and think X's mean she loves me, every girl does it and I mostly do it myself too if they feel comfortable with it. But usually we say bye just by saying "Bye bye (: xx", or sometimes she's just like "I have to go now, bye." Then she's off yet a bit later she turns online on another IM or FB and I am the one to start the convo.

I mean, literally 30 minutes ago she did that, and right now she comes online and is all supportive and nice to me, asking me what's going on and YES, the conversation is suffering under me actually typing this and getting more and more upset. SHE IS JUST TOO freakin CUTE YET I CANT STAND THIS!

Also, everyone. Like, literally EVERY freakin person we both know ask us if we are in a relationship and me being jealous of another guy she talks to is often a subject of someone we are having a convo with. It makes me feel good people thinkw e are a couple and I'd rather tell her I love her right away and no, I am not affraid of her refusing me. What I am affraid for is her turning her back at me because our friendship is like, one of the main reasons right now I wouldn't just give the fudge up. I am so fed up with like, everything. I feel tired all time yet can be so happy when I talk to her or some of my other friends, they are the world to me and I could never lose them. At home I am always too tired or just being a dick and feel like I make my dad and mom feel bad by just being ignorant or not doing what they want me to do. They are the best parents you could imagine really. My MOM REALLY, she is incredible! She will never stop loving me, could never miss me and no I could never miss her. Yet I keep dissappointing them and myself and GOD, I need something or someone to freakin shout at and release my anger and energy and Idon'tfuckingknow what else I have to release at!

Really, this whole post my not make any sense to you and please, don't reply if you don't feel like. I will make a more detailed post about her sometime later when I am a lot more calmed because I know this isn't interesting or helpful in no way to either of us, but I just had to write this down and not feel like nobody is ever gonna read it anyway. I don't feel like these forums are a garbage can for my feelings and would never treat them like such.

But if any of you feel the same like me, or think you have any helpful tips or just feel like having a conversation with me (I can have seriously deep convo's without saying 'fudge' every two seconds, I just can't help it and I am terribly sorry for anything that might be offensive to any of you guys)

TLDR; really just read the paragraphs above this one, it's probably the only one with some actual normal stuff.

Loving greetings, Pontoe

(Sorry in advance again for anything that might seem like spam, too much cussing or just anything that might annoy you. Please just let it pass by and do not waste your time on my thread, it's probably more useful somewhere elseUnsure)
Right now I kind of told her I was busy with my science assignment so I couldn't really talk. Feel bad about it but I just can't deal with talking to her and actually performing good enough for school right now.
I cant make sence of it all but i will give it a shot for what i have read, it sounds like she had feelings for you but they have turned into friendly feelings, but it also seems like she could like you hence the " I LOVE YOU " but does not want to maybe fudge up the friendship? have you told her how you feel? maybe she will want to be more than friends if she knows your down for it too? if you have told her and she is still like this then i would try and convince it her it would be worth while being more than friends, let me now how it goes bro
Man , just live with it and except it, YOU ARE IN LOVE , i can tell from the euphoria in your writing and the way you express feelings, you are afraid that love would end the friendship between you both, cause deep inside you know, once you make the first move, the first kiss, you can say Goodbye to your friendship and things will turn in different ! i know that feeling of a big love to a friend that is changing in different direction. it's normal, well up to you now, but remember, you cant put brakes on feelings !
Well out of those answers, Nightfly, you just described exactly what I was trying to explain in my OP. I was definitely not all too sane while writing that, but I got kinda relaxed by now. I just told one of my friends I actually like her, he's a very good friend of her as well and she knows her very well. I really hope this will turn out good eventually, I would be so damn proud to be able to call her 'My girl' eventually and would do anything for our love! Really, there's no girl I ever met I put so much effort into to catch her intention and let our friendship grow in something bigger. If only it'd ever turn out..

Sorry for the messy OP and I can imagine it did not make any sense, I just needed to write this all down, and I simply didn't want to tell any of m friends yet.
Hey Pontoe, you're in love with that girl.

Give her gifts everytime and make her happy, I love to give chocolates to my girl. Find out does she love anyone other than you?

Don't be afraid go ahead and propose her, do it before someone else does it, you might just lose her.

If she says "No." for the first time, don't worry, she'll still be your friend. She'll understand you have feeling for her.
If you are willing to join SF Webmasters.
God freakin damnit. I just came home all depressed over this girl. I told one of my best friends I really like her, and he noticed already, just like some other friends. But she just doesn't seem to be any freakin interested. That friend said he'd see us together like a good couple, but I don't freakin know what to do. I like to give her presents, I gave her flowers when she came home from vacation to Curacao, I gave her chocolate once which she seems not to be so fond of, and I don't want to be like a freakin stalker. Would asking her best friend if there'd be any chance for something to happen between is be weird and a no-no? She is a good friend of mine too so I think I can trust her. I just really want to freakin tell someone all my feelings right now. Preferably someone who I know and she knows as well, so I don't get to hear I'd just have to go for it but hear something realistic. I mean, I am not a pessimistic person, at all, but just being with her right now gets me very depressed. Especially right now. I just wanna freakin end this all. If I am not just going on for her I'd be going on to make something out of my life, but I am screwing up school as well so I don't see why I am still sticking around anymore. Oh god, how many times I've thought about just walking away and being like that guy from "Into the wild" already... Really, I wouldn't freakin care anymore if it ended the same way like in the movie. I don't freakin care about anything anymore! AT ALL!
OMG, lol

I got the same problem man!
Okay listen up you pussy. You go to that girl's house, knock on her door, and tell her the way you feel. If you don't do it, you will forever be haunted with the thought of what could have been. She will either say yes, or no. If she says no, tough crap. Stop thinking about her. If she says yes, great job.

Stop being FRIENDLY. WTF is your problem. Are you trying to be her friend? You have to be the macho guy. The one that is better than the others. You must have the confidence. You need to stand out. Don't be obsessive. That will drive her away... PLEASE don't be obsessive. If anything, act like you don't care. If she notices you stopped caring, or stopped messaging her, she will be like "why doesn't he like me?" and she will try to get you.

1. Man the fudge up. You pussy. (just saying it to toughen you up bro, you need it. We have all been in love)
2. Tell her how you feel.
3. Man your crap up!!!

Good luck man. Go get her ;)
You need to tell her how you feel. That's that issue taken care of.

As for your family, don't over think it. Appreciate them and help them out when they ask you to do crap. It's simple.
Bro man up and tell her how you feelBig Grin

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