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Why members post 100 posts and leave.
Lets admit it, Most members come here and post 100 times.

I came here for that very reason, did not have the motivation to stay longer, until I realized that this is actually a good community. I planned to stay for far over 100 posts until I felt this unwelcome vibe by most of the members. Do not get me wrong a few veteran members were kind to me, but I see topics like "Support Feather Fags" and terms for the HF members who came here for the award. Some of you need to realize that it gives people a chance to see what the community is like. Omni deserves appreciation for he is nice enough to have an award directing people to this site. My honest opinion is that support forums would not be what it is today without the award. I received 10% warning level for "Low Quality" posts, which has just set me off. I am debating on staying or even requesting the award on HF, Hopefully some of the members will be more kind and the community can grow larger. I'm not going to stick around a community that is so paranoid about "Spammers" that it scares away Higher Quality members who would actually like to stay. Let's not start a flaming war, if you have something to say and is valid and polite, please say it. If you are just going to be rude, do not bother.
Not being funny, but the people of whom get called that ONLY come for the feather and pointlessly bump threads (like yourself). You purposely bumped 5 of my threads which wasn't needed... So don't start preaching like you're some innocent bystander. I've also never heard those slurs so I'd kindly ask you to point me to somewhere/someone who used those terms.
(03-03-2012, 10:49 AM)BreShiE Wrote: Not being funny, but the people of whom get called that ONLY come for the feather and pointlessly bump threads (like yourself). You purposely bumped 5 of my threads which wasn't needed... So don't start preaching like you're some innocent bystander. I've also never heard those slurs so I'd kindly ask you to point me to somewhere/someone who used those terms.

Why make a thread if you do not want someone to reply to it? There are limited amount of threads to reply to, If you do not want someone to reply to it, don't make the thread. I clearly state in the original posts that I only came for the feather, but after reading threads and replying to them the community grows on you. I do not see anywhere where I said I am a innocent bystander, nor a victim. I'm stating why members do not stay through the 100 posts.
I do, but you was bumping threads that had already been solved. If they hadn't of been I wouldn't care.

Also, I'll ask again. Please point me to somewhere/someone who used slanderous terms against "people like you" as that's against the rules.
Also, you need to practice what you preach. You mentioned in the OP for people not to reply if they're going to be rude.

>Do not reply
>Don't make thread if you don't want people to reply
(03-03-2012, 10:53 AM)BreShiE Wrote: I do, but you was bumping threads that had already been solved. If they hadn't of been I wouldn't care.

Also, I'll ask again. Please point me to somewhere/someone who used slanderous terms against "people like you" as that's against the rules.
Also, you need to practice what you preach. You mentioned in the OP for people not to reply if they're going to be rude.

>Do not reply
>Don't make thread if you don't want people to reply

I am not intending to be rude, sorry if my statement offended you. The community here is based upon proving yourself. I am glad you replied so i can have someone to debate my topic with, do not get me wrong. You are right, they are agents the rules, and are removed generally. What I was intending to mean was... Members frown upon people who come for the award, Its supposed to be an award not a punishment. If a thread is posted, their is not always one solution, but multiple solutions. My outlook on a thread might be different compared to yours, It does not mean either of us are less educated. I apologize if I unknowing bumped your threads while thinking I was helping you, I will try to help less, or I will try not to be stupid and look at the thread dates.
I am here from HF, I can't lie there, but I actually found the SF community to be more interesting and useful that I previously thought. I actually legitimately come here to help and to receive emotional help.
(03-03-2012, 11:16 AM)RubiksHQ Wrote: I am here from HF, I can't lie there, but I actually found the SF community to be more interesting and useful that I previously thought. I actually legitimately come here to help and to receive emotional help.

Same, But does it make you question staying seeing all the negative comments about the award and HF members "spamming"
(03-03-2012, 11:21 AM)[M] Wrote: Same, But does it make you question staying seeing all the negative comments about the award and HF members "spamming"
At times yes, but I usually just find a way to ignore the comments and to just continue on.
(03-03-2012, 11:23 AM)RubiksHQ Wrote: At times yes, but I usually just find a way to ignore the comments and to just continue on.

Yeah, thats generally what I do as well. I just thought I could help the community by pointing out that every member is not alike, just because the majority spam, does not mean we all.
(03-03-2012, 11:00 AM)[M] Wrote: I am not intending to be rude, sorry if my statement offended you. The community here is based upon proving yourself. I am glad you replied so i can have someone to debate my topic with, do not get me wrong. You are right, they are agents the rules, and are removed generally. What I was intending to mean was... Members frown upon people who come for the award, Its supposed to be an award not a punishment. If a thread is posted, their is not always one solution, but multiple solutions. My outlook on a thread might be different compared to yours, It does not mean either of us are less educated. I apologize if I unknowing bumped your threads while thinking I was helping you, I will try to help less, or I will try not to be stupid and look at the thread dates.

You've got us all wrong my friend. We don't care the award's in place, we care about the quality of the members and the posts. We don't like to see (just using this as an example) [M] all the way down "Newest Posts" and we don't like to see the trolls from HF coming here, it does happen.

There's a few members here, including myself, who've gone through a lot trying to keep this forum at it's best quality, and we get annoyed when it gets thrown in our face.
Oh by the way,just so you don't think I'm biased. I too originally came here for the award, but I'm not active on SF and not on HF. I also never spammed for the award, that's what I'm trying to say. Don't spam and it's fine, but if you reply to threads with just 10 words each time without reading the topic is where we begin to get annoyed.

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