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Open your eyes
Subliminal indirect reverse psychological propaganda.
Try say that fast 5 times sheez.
An interesting video i felt others might enjoy to watch.
The nuts and guts of the video? Propaganda on TV.
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Television is a lie, it's a way to control the people of the world, to keep them under their power and to provide a false sense of realism, it's truly subliminal indirect reverse psychological propaganda.
I still don't believe in the illuminati, and I still believe that WikiLeaks is the truth. It's all apart of the revolution and is giving a false appearance and masking us from the truth, I don't listen to what people tell me is true and what isn't, I judge that for myself.
Television, radio newsprint. All mediums really.
But not the net. Not yet. Thats why i love forums so much. It allows for free flowing thoughs.
Often directed by the next poster and not whats shoved down our throats.
Thats set to change though. I believe Australia is about to start ISP level filtering/blacklisting of whole domains etc.
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FTW Forum <-- Home of the Damned! --> Join me On MM

(01-01-2012, 01:35 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Television, radio newsprint. All mediums really.
But not the net. Not yet. Thats why i love forums so much. It allows for free flowing thoughs.
Often directed by the next poster and not whats shoved down our throats.
Thats set to change though. I believe Australia is about to start ISP level filtering/blacklisting of whole domains etc.

Apart from on my profile, I've never mentioned this before.

When I was 14 I got kicked out of school, reasons that I don't really want to discuss. When was in school the teachers were constantly calling me 'bright young lad' blah blah blah. Not trying to sound big headed, but now, 3-4 years later I'm starting to realise that I actually am. These past few months I've really opened my mind to what's going on around me. Before I would've never cared about it, I would've just let it go over my head. But now I'm older, I care allot more, I've opened my mind to many facts, as you would've seen in my "Who's The Real Terrorists?" post. It's been a weird year, before this year I wasn't racist, I went through a stage of that and since reading I now know how pathetic and dumb I was to be sucked into that. This year has really brought out a different me, I'm not sure if that's good or bad yet.

I have no clue why I just posted that? I hate getting carried away with posts. Omg
"Think for yourself and question authority." ~ Timothy Leary

It really is a new subconscious weapon. Indoctrination through media, just like used by Hitler in Germany at that point in time through various forms.
(01-01-2012, 01:58 AM)AceInfinity Wrote: "Think for yourself and question authority." ~ Timothy Leary

It really is a new subconscious weapon. Indoctrination through media, just like used by Hitler in Germany at that point in time through various forms.

Not a bad point, considering he was probably high at the time.

To me, I don't give a crap about any of this. It just seems like a bunch of political men and women telling partial truths or lies and sooner or later someone else realises what they said wasn't the complete truth and calls them out about it.

Maybe there's more to it. But that's how I see it and I couldn't care less.
(01-01-2012, 05:04 AM)King Wrote: Not a bad point, considering he was probably high at the time.

To me, I don't give a crap about any of this. It just seems like a bunch of political men and women telling partial truths or lies and sooner or later someone else realises what they said wasn't the complete truth and calls them out about it.

Maybe there's more to it. But that's how I see it and I couldn't care less.

I'm glad there's at least one person on here with this opinion, its interesting how your first thought when reading "think for yourself, question authority"
was to consider the person to be high? i mean no one could ever think up such crazy concepts of freedom of thought and speech while not under the influence of drugs right? that shits crazy! why question authority when there doing such a great job of protection our rights? creating a happy and peaceful equal world..? where no one is sent to slaughter Innocent people and lose there lives? or who's police force doesn't cripples and or kills even the people the swore to protect?

Its easy to say i couldn't care less when you have a closed mind, when anything that goes against what you've be subcontinental programmed to think is said,its not your fault though your one of a large group of sheep i feel sorry for you :/ as long as you think you are free, there's no hope for you..


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