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I think it's time for plan B...
I tried to be nice to people, I tried to act happy even at times I wasn't. Looking back to it now, I see it made no difference on how people are treating me. Maybe they smiled or something and acted nicer, but they're all the same like they used to be. No matter how hard I try to change, no one really notices it. So, I decided. Plan B. I'll start treating people the same, or worse. Why should I be nice to someone who means jack sh*t in my everyday life, why to be nice? I've been watching "Rescue Me" lately, cause they started airing it again on TV, and the main character, Tommy Gavine, the firefighter, doesn't care what he'll say to anyone. I thought about it and saw that people will just respect you the more the more worse you treat them. I don't mean like random insults and childlish bullshit like that, I mean just being brutally honest and not to give a fudge. fudge it, like it matters anymore. Let's see how that will turn out to be.
To be quite honest, this is how my mum and I live, we will always be honest with people, no matter what. It's not all that great, I've lost friends over it, it's not good. Sad

But if you want to be like that, then do. It's your life mate do what you will, but it doesn't always work out well trust me.
I guess I know what you mean, I've had this experience with a couple of people before, Just make sure whatever your doing is right and your not taking it too far.

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