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My Gaming History
I'd like to give everyone a massive rundown of myself and the History of my Gaming involvement.

It all started when I was 4/5, I started gaming from an early age quickly gaining skills at the only console I owned. A Nintendo64 (Represent), This console, with barely being able to remember, was a great console. Hour upon hour I would play Lemmings (plus others, although the memory is terrible - For those of you who don't know, Lemmings is a game created in 91 - more info here.)

The console addiction quickly came to an abrupt end when, for an unknown reason, my Nintendo64 had vanished. Most likely sold or hidden from me as my parents would have possibly though that it was 'too much' for me.

A few years had passed since my lovable Nintendo64 went MIA when, on possibly my Birthday or Christmas, I received a PlayStation 1 - The bulky console not the slimline one. This would soon become the console with the most played time - Summarizing on around 4-5000+ hours of playtime in the 11+ years of owning it.

My PlayStation was the only console I owned at the time and provided an amazing amount of fun and joy from the system that was unbelievable. (If anyone of you had ever seen the new medal frames that hold the car racing Foot Pedals and Steering Wheels - Show here - Was originally created by my father as a whole metal frame, but on other news.) My favourite all time game(s) were Tekken 2/3, Abes oddesy, Rug Rats and Need For Speed 3. Hours of fun were had with these games, Hide 'n' seek on Rug Rats to Need for Speed 3 1v1 Racing! Although, this would be the last ever serious console gaming I would partake in, ending my console career and begging my PC career.

My PC career was started with the few default Microsoft games created, Solitare and Minesweeper! Yes, they started it all. I would play Solitare, knowing only to get the numbers I knew in the correct order, primarily losing every game I played and asking for help to finish most to see the cards fall. Whistle Although I loved PC's, I never completely owned a PC that was mine. I used my fathers PC until I was 11 (Every single PC I've ever used or owned in my household has been custom built.) On my birthday I awoke to a Keyboard and mouse and ran outside with my twin brother to find our PC sitting in the lounge room. All big, white and old with it's CRT Monitor and fans. This gave way to a numerous amount of game time on Snowboarding, Extreme Sports and Counter Strike: 1.1/BETA (only against bots, my father declined me internet connection until we were off dial-up - Remember this is only about the beginning of the Millennium.) I was only fascinated with Snowboarding and not much into FPS games, even though I enjoyed them.

About the begging of Year 6/High school I began to game more, still having to share the computer with my brother. I played a lot of Runescape as it was free and accessible. This pathed the way for gaming in general with my understanding of what a game really holds for a person.

The beginning of my gaming career was the start of my most played FPS game to date, Counter Strike: Source. I've played this game for a possible total of 3,500 hours with 2000 hours on record in my Steam profile. This game was a forever expanding gateway of hunger for different games. Although I never ignored that it was there, I still played Counter Strike: Source. This branched out into a lot more FPS Games such as Modern Warfare 2 (Only COD I will ever play, apart from may MW3), well here's my steam library for just a few.

[Image: ?h=6d95a034dde867bf8fef88ebf70be845]

I have continued to play Counter Strike: Source, among others, in a competative array of Awesome. I currently stand as a Main player - Moderatly good at the game in Australia and play with the Best in Australia at CS 1.6, CS: Source, COD4 and Legion TD (Best Legion TD team in Oceania.)

And it with this that I end my Gaming History, Please try and piece it together - It took me a while to write and it's quite hard figuring out what to put in here that won't make you sleep or get bored after reading the PS1 section.

If anyone needs help, I have a plethora of gaming knowledge as you may now know Smile So don't hesitate to PM me any questions.

TL;DR I am a gaming god. PM Me for help. Smile
Impressive indeed.
I've had a PS2 basically since 8 or so; I still have it and play Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix on it as well as Guitar Hero 3. I recentely got an XBOX 360 and I've been attached to it.
[Image: QRCjW2pNdRK00.gif]
Needs more Tekken.

Other than that, good show.

[Image: photo-11.jpg]
What's your global rank on css? I would really like vs you some time. PM with your username.
I don't have a Global Rank as I don't play many public games. Although if you do want to verse me then my username is 'Milopeach'.
"If you cannot explain something simply, then you do not understand it at all." - Albert Einstein
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay
I like to hear stories similar to mine <3
A nice history you have there. You seem to of liked Counter Strike as much as I did.
Yeah, It's a great game and once mastered you pretty much control every other FPS out there.
"If you cannot explain something simply, then you do not understand it at all." - Albert Einstein
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay
PC gaming is best gaming. Nice collection btw.
2162 hours you have played CSS :O That makes my mind go rounds
[Image: Z95Xp.png]

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