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I can't believe what happened to me this evening :O
Well, if some of you remember, I posted a thread here about one girl I met on work. Well, I really liked her but soon I realized that she doesn't like me. I came to peace about that, and I tried to move on. But everyday I keep thinking of her, for the past month. She's been ignoring me, then sent me a few messages asking to go out for a coffee with me. I said okay, call me when you wish to go, I'm free on Friday. She never called. I was like, okay. I expected that to be honest, wasn't her first time. I haven't talked to her for weeks, then a strange thing happened this week. On Wednesday I went out in 6am to play chess with a friend of mine (I know lol, don't ask xD). We went to buy cigarettes first, and except us, there was no people in the street. Then, a friend of mine noticed a girl walking her dog. I turned to see who it was and I saw her. She went to an alley and she didn't noticed that I saw her. I thought, I'll shout hello or something, but it was 6am and maybe she haven't even recognized me, it's still early. My friend and I went to do what we planned. Few days later, to be more precise, yesterday, I was coming home from the town and I decided to go to the local gas station to buy myself a Cola. While walking toward the station, I noticed someone running on the other side of the street, next to the parked cars. I noticed it was her. At first I thought that she's probably running toward someone, so I turned my head and looked in front of me. There was only some guy there walking who was maybe 10 years older than me. So, I looked back at the other side of the street. She was gone, I turned my head for just 1 seconds, where could she go? There was no alleys, only way for her to go somewhere was front or back, and I would see her that way. There was a bunch of cars parked there, and I'm 100% sure that she hid behind the car (I know, weird wtf?). So, I am wondering, why the fudge can't she just say hello or something? Instead, she pretends that she doesn't sees me or hides behind cars (0_o?).

So I've been thinking, why the fudge do I keep thinking about her everyday when obviously she doesn't even want to say hello to me :S.

I think that I'll just block her on Facebook and delete her phone number from my cellphone, every time I go into my phone book, her number is on top and that keeps reminding me.

Just felt like sharing this :/
That's pretty strange, hope it all works out for you.
[Image: 0xWVt.png]
(08-21-2011, 07:36 PM)RaideN Wrote: That's pretty strange, hope it all works out for you.

Yeah, strange :/
I attempted to quit smoking two days ago, but I think I'll just relapse and I'll quit after our senior highschool trip (5 days of drinking lol, not good if I wish to quit anyways, gonna do it after it), so this contributed to the relapse need...
Seems like the girl has problems lol. maybe not a keeper my friend.
(08-21-2011, 07:51 PM)Bong Wrote: Seems like the girl has problems lol. maybe not a keeper my friend.

Definitively not a keeper lol, from the first day my brain was telling to me that something's wrong, that I shouldn't like her....
Umm It's either she's paranoid or a stalker lol just kidding bro.
But this girl seem's wierd.
(08-21-2011, 08:19 PM)Oliver‌‌‌‌ Wrote: Umm It's either she's paranoid or a stalker lol just kidding bro.
But this girl seem's wierd.

Yeah, too weird if you ask me. Like, she asks me to add her on MSN, then she doesn't even accept me. She's like, telling one thing, yet doing something completely opposite. I blocked her on Facebook and deleted her phone number. If she'll ever need me or anything, she has my number, but probably I won't even answer.
She seems like she's got her routine together for fitness from my first impression. The hardest part about emotional support like this is that i'm better at figuring someone out after at least hearing how they talk, how they use their body language while they talk, facial expressions, and all that. Without even seeing her or seeing how she's like it's pretty hard to get a sense of the way she is because you don't know anything about her interests or values.

This would be judgmental i'm sure, but if I knew the way she dressed I could probably get to know a little about her just by that. I'm not the judgmental person who looks at a goth girl and automatically assumes, "Oh she's suicidal", No. I've met some goth girls that are actually decent people, it's just that their interests are hard to deal with because of all the other extremist judgmental people out there.

What you can tell from the way someone looks is possibly what they are interested in. Type of music, colors, etc...

I don't know why she would try so hard to avoid you though. You ever seen "No strings attached"? (Movie). She reminds me of that one main girl in that movie, just her personality about being shy, or afraid of being hurt in a relationship.

One thing I would ask, is if you like her so much, for you, you should decide if it's better off for you to avoid and forget about her entirely. Otherwise I would "bring up the idea" that you two could just be friends, but you'd need to let her know first.

I can't really say much about what you should do, i'm just trying to give you a bit of insight, and options.
Makaveli here, don't wanna log in, I'm on a public computer

Well, that's a great reply, but I think I will just have to forget about her. Even as a potential friend, she shoved that she doesn't care much.
dont block her bro, tell her how you feel if it fails then block her, dont go down with out a proper try

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