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Guide to grammar :D
Guide to Grammar for New and Existing users:


What is Grammar?
Grammar is the body of rules describing the properties of a language, In this case English. I won't be going into great details, I'm presuming you have a basic understanding of the English language.

Why do we need Grammar?
Well, grammar gives structure to what we are trying to convey. Without grammar our speech and writing would be non-legible (A complete mess).

Why is Grammar important on Hackforums?
Using correct grammar shows a level of intelligence. When you see somebody with terrible grammar, it doesn't mean they are not educated(in most cases). Instant messaging can lead to bad habits such as not using punctuation. When I see somebody that doesn't use punctuation I perceive them to be lazy, I have little respect for people who can't be bothered to even spell check.


When do I use a Capital letter?
Capital letters aren't used that often. It's not unusual for titles to be written completely in capitals, but you will never see a paragraph written with all capital letters. Here are the most common uses of capital letters.
  • The pronoun I; What can I do?
  • The beginning of a sentence; The post came. You got two letters.
  • Names and Titles of people; John Doe, Dr. Jones, Batman.
  • Days, Months, Holidays; Friday, January, Christmas.
  • Places, Countries, Nationalities, Languages; Main St., Ireland, American, English.
  • Titles of books, songs, poems, plays etc.; The Bible, Wonderwall, Base Details, Aladdin.

It takes too long to keep pressing Caps Lock
This is such a small thing but if you don't already know about the Shift button this is going to help you. Do you know which button is the Shift button? It's the button with the arrow, underneath Caps Lock. Hold it down, and press a key; Yes it makes capitals!


What is Punctuation?
Punctuation is everything in written language excluding Letters & Numbers.

What does it do?
Punctuation is vital to disambiguate the meaning of sentences. For example, 'King Charles walked and talked half an hour after his head was cut off.' is totally different to 'King Charles walked and talked; half an hour after, his head was cut off.'

When do I use it?
Here are the main punctuation marks, and when they are used.
  • Period; That dog looks sick. | Used at the end of sentences (unless it's a question)
  • Question mark; Do you like fish-sticks? | Used at the end of a question to indicate that it is a question.
  • Comma; I like you, do you like me too? | Used to Indicate a pause.
  • Exclamation mark; I'm cooler than you! | Used to indicate strong feelings or high volume, often at the end of a sentence.
  • Inverted Commas; Mark said "I like fish-sticks" | Used to attribute the enclosed text to someone else.
  • Apostrophe; Mark's Dog | It's used to show that there is an omission(something missing) and to show possession of something.
  • Semi-Colon; I like pie; What's up? | A pause, where the clauses usually have no connected words.
  • Hyphen; That was cool, High-Five! | Used to join words and separate syllables within a word.

Apostrophes (') don't get used half as often as they should be.

The first use is showing that something belongs to someone;
  • Sam's dog is getting big.
  • Vaqxine's guide to hackforums
  • The Doctor's house was broken into.

The second use is to show that a letter(s) has been left out (an omission);
  • I don't understand.
  • You can't keep doing that.
  • Why won't she answer the phone.

Regarding spaces

Always leave a space after a Comma, Question mark, Exclamation mark and of course a Period;

I like to visit my mother on sundays, Do you visit yours? I bet you do! This is boring. Let's go eat.


Spell Checkers
Spell Checkers are a great way of making sure you have used correct grammar especially if what you are writing is very long. Once you have one installed it only takes two clicks to check for mistakes. Here are some Spell Checkers. (Opera has a built in SpellChecker.)

ieSpell - Internet Explorer
SpellBound - Firefox

The only thing about SpellCheckers is; They don't support slang, and we use alot of it on here.


Why do I need a good Vocabulary?
Developing a great vocabulary is one of the most overlooked ways to improve your life. It's often believed that a good vocabulary is only good to writers and speakers. This is not true.
Think of your vocabulary as your communication toolbox; every word is a tool, ready to be used at the right time. The more tools you master, the better your chances are of finding the right one for the task at hand.

How do I Improve my Vocabulary
We add to our vocabulary everyday. Remember it's not just about knowing words, It's about being able to put them into a correct context. Reading books, Watching Television, Listening to the radio and talking to people are great ways because you are also learning contexts.


I hope this guide gives you a better idea of the importance of grammar both in real life, and here on hackforums.

Wikipedia and my own general knowledge.
Feedback from hackforums:

[Image: 531hf7.jpg]
If it were up to me i would delete this thread. (Cant be good)
The requirement that people talk or type in a certain way is just wrong in my opinion.
Its almost like a communist enviroment. Its just wrong.
The principal behind a forum is difference of opinion. Its about different age groups and religions etc in the same enviroment. All talking and hopefully here coming to a conclusion. To say to one member you dont punctuate properly etc is just being stupid.
Its supposed to allow and cater for different groups. Damn not everone cares a FUC% about punctuations!!@#$%
Thats me for one!!!!!!!!$%^^Fggg033-"":{
Seriously if this crap goes on here i am gone. WOW is all i can say.
The Rules!
FTW Forum <-- Home of the Damned! --> Join me On MM

Nope not me mate. I love the fact people are different. Damn one of my good members at my forum still calls me Baddy.
I assume he means buddy lol. But he is from pakistan so i care not about spelling. I think i know what he means and its all good.
Seriously though. I love the differences. There what make the experience important to me.
If everyone had to go through an ENGLISH translator every post then it would become very stagnant and boring.
To be honest. On forums i am trolling i make spelling errors all the time to get a small rise out of members because its such an issue lol.
Its actually a great tool for a troll or spammer. Sad
The Rules!
FTW Forum <-- Home of the Damned! --> Join me On MM

(10-31-2009, 12:07 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: If it were up to me i would delete this thread. (Cant be good)
The requirement that people talk or type in a certain way is just wrong in my opinion.
Its almost like a communist enviroment. Its just wrong.
The principal behind a forum is difference of opinion. Its about different age groups and religions etc in the same enviroment. All talking and hopefully here coming to a conclusion. To say to one member you dont punctuate properly etc is just being stupid.
Its supposed to allow and cater for different groups. Damn not everone cares a FUC% about punctuations!!@#$%
Thats me for one!!!!!!!!$%^^Fggg033-"":{
Seriously if this crap goes on here i am gone. WOW is all i can say.

Yep, tottaly agreed.
[Image: Nyan.jpg]
To go a little further here now. I have a member on my forum. Actually the only staff i need or use. He is just that good.
Well he has problems with typing some times. He suffers from dyslexia and therefor does make some OBVIOUS mistakes often when in private chat. I look past this and chat on. Now you get this same man and try flame him. Well then you are going to get destroyed with the intilect of this person.
Dont jugde a book by its cover. Or by its grammer in this case.
Its prob a lesson worth knowing for most. Just because someone can not / does not post in a way that is suitable to you then dont assume there less intellegent than you.

Notice all my mistakes above Smile Hope so. And im sure nothing will be lost in what im trying to say..... So perhaps point proven.!?
The Rules!
FTW Forum <-- Home of the Damned! --> Join me On MM

The spellcheck addon is not working for me.
It says that its unauthorized and will not be installed.
[Image: Nyan.jpg]
People may or may not agree with this guide but it's an informative guide and you don't have to follow it Smile

I personally think it's a well written guide and an enjoyable read.

I understand that not everybody has 100% perfect grammar, myself included but it's always good to see people contribute to the forums.
[Image: 3326yvl.jpg]

It's about trying to use grammar, not practising grammar.
[Image: 531hf7.jpg]
(10-31-2009, 03:19 AM)Skill Wrote: People may or may not agree with this guide but it's an informative guide and you don't have to follow it Smile

I personally think it's a well written guide and an enjoyable read.

I understand that not everybody has 100% perfect grammar, myself included but it's always good to see people contribute to the forums.

And you -rep'd me for having some grammar mistakes Wacko
[Image: Nyan.jpg]
(10-31-2009, 06:08 AM)Climate Wrote: And you -rep'd me for having some grammar mistakes Wacko

I haven't -rep'ed anybody at all.
[Image: 3326yvl.jpg]


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