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Internet Freedom

We're forcing them to take our concerns seriously: Demand Progress members have sent more than 50,000 emails to Senators to urge them to oppose the Internet Blacklist Bill (the PROTECT IP Act). Now we're hearing back from them, and one thing is clear: Our emails are compelling Senators to start thinking hard about Internet freedom.

Will you urge your lawmakers to to oppose the Internet Blacklist Bill? Just click here:

PROTECT IP would give the government the power to force Internet service providers, search engines, and other "information location tools" to block users' access to sites that have been accused of copyright infringement -- the initiation of a China-style censorship regime here in the United States.

Will you email Congress to urge them to oppose the PROTECT IP Act?

Senators are writing back to let us know that our emails are making them think twice before rubber-stamping PROTECT IP. For instance, Oregon's Jeff Merkley is telling Demand Progress members:

"I have heard from many Oregonians on both sides of this issue – those who support providing U.S. agencies with greater authority to shut down websites, and those who are worried that the legislation could result in Internet censorship. Thanks to your letter and the letters of fellow Oregonians, I have asked my staff to take a closer look into this legislation."

Will you email Congress to urge them to oppose the PROTECT IP Act?


Please urge your lawmakers to vote against this bill. If not we wont be able to use the internet freely anymore.Mad

BTW this is a quote from an email form my email box.
I have searched for the PROTECT IP act here on Support Forums but didnt see any threads. so i am bringing this issue to have y'all sign to oppose this bill so it wont get passed into law.
Ugh, I hope this doesn't pass. The last thing we need is hardcore internet censorship.
Great, now our internet will end up being like the koreans.

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