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This is CLOSED!
No offense, but it's kind of sad to kill yourself over a website, it probably wasn't even that big anyway, just move on an start over.

If this isn't a troll.
[Image: D6fXK.png]
Well please note your mom does care. As if if not she would have had an abortion, no parents are always right, but they try and think what is best for you, even though you think it is not the best for yourself. Also most of us care enough to post and try and help you out. We understand you are feed up, but you should treat this as a learning experience. Next time you will try to make your site as secure as you can. Also make sure you either have daily or weekly backups. Which will help prevent any data loss. As for the "im going to kill myself" your going to let these people get to you by something over the internet. If you value the site more then yourself or the same as yourself then you would want to re-build it. Remember one of the most famous quotes in history, "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.", if you apply that to your position everything doesn't seem so glum no more. Life is just lots of bad happenings that we learn from.

So if you need help securing your site there is a multitude of things you can do. For one if you are using a forum software make sure the software is always up to date. Updating patches exploits in the software. You can also hire a site penetration tester if you want. They know all the tricks and will not do any damage but instead inform you of any problems with your site and usually help you fix them. Also if your using mysql make sure you have no syntax errors as these are portals to being exploited. Remember nothing is 100% and sometimes it may not be your fault, it can be your hosting company's fault or or someone else on your server is its shared. So always keep a backup and renew it on a schedule. To make a backup there is an option in the cpanel of your site on most occasions. Also backup your files from your FTP (file transfer protocal).
There are other options, and people do care about you, even people on this site...

Check this thread:
Suicide Prevention by Solidify

Solidify is one of the best members on Support Forums and well respected.

I honestly hope you are not trolling (1. Because there is much more to life... and 2. Trolling about suicide on a serious support forum is not cool.)

Best of luck Smile
We all have things we want to say, but not publicly. We all need help with them at one point. If you want a private conversation or seek private help, send me a PM.
I really hope you aren't trolling because, like the person above said, trolling about suicide on a support forums is a no-no.

But seriously... Suicide over a hacked website isn't worth it. Go to therapy if you're considering it. Nothing is worth killing yourself :3
(06-22-2011, 09:43 AM)RiChZ Wrote: This Is A Troll.This kid is not going to kill him self just because someone hacked his site.

He just didn't say that someone hacked his website, he also said that his mom doesn't care about him. Read troll.<<(RiChZ)

I'm here if you need to talk Toxic.

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