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I just got a rectal exam
OK so for about 5 or 6 months now, I've been pretty sick. It's not something chronic, as in, non-stop daily, but it comes and goes and I've just about had it. In order you for you guys to understand me completely, I'm going to start from the beginning.

I'm a pretty skinny guy. I'm 19, weigh 145 lbs and I'm 5'9''. Bottom line, I'm not the size or fitness that I could be or should be for my age and height. I've always been skinny. So anyways, the problem is that I think I'm not able to nourish myself properly. I've always had a much easier time eating 5-6 small meals a day rather than the usual 3 normal sized meals everyone has. I can only assume this habit I've had for so long is what led me to have such a problem. And because of it, I've developed a high metabolism, that meaning, I can digest the foods I eat and break them down into their appropriate food groups much quicker than the average person. When digestion happens, you take in food and depending on whether there's sugar, water, protein, etc. in it, they all go to different parts of your body (heart, liver, pancreas, etc.) So the idea is that if you have a slow metabolism, meaning you digest food slower, the food will stay in your stomach longer than those who can digest food quicker (high metabolism). And when the food stays in your stomach, you gain weigh faster/easier than someone with a high metabolism. I hope I didn't lose you guys yet.

So anyways, because I have a high metabolism, it's really hard for me to put on weight because all the foods I eat are immediately used as burned calories. So the problem that started 5-6 months ago is that, already since I have a hard time eating much, when I started going to the washroom, I would always either have soft and unformulated stool or diarrhea. When I was done, I always felt empty, weak and lacking energy, to the point where I couldn't stand straight and would start folding, literally, almost as if I had cramps.

So, I decided to go to the clinic today since we have healthcare in Canada and what awaited me was not what I expected. My mom suggested me to go for a blood test so I did. When the doctor called me in the room, I told her my symptoms as I've told you and she told me 'OK, drop your pants.' Immediately, I was like WTF. But I was willing to do anything to figure out why I'm always sick, so I went ahead with it. I turned over on my side, and let me tell you personally to all the guys in here, what I'm about to share with you is most probably one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life. Imagine lying on your side against the wall on the operating table and your bare ass facing the doctor. You literally have no idea what awaits. Then all of a sudden, she sticks her index finger, equipped with a latex glove, as far as she can in my anus and then asks me to contracts my abdomen muscles as if I was trying to crap right there and then. I did so and let me tell you first hand, it's the most painful feeling I've yet to experience. Compare it to those times when you want to sneeze quietly so you try to keep your mouth shut but then you get the biggest headache, and then amplify the sensation by 100 times.

So anyways, she writes me up a document saying that I need to go somewhere else to take a blood test, urine test and cell test to see if everything is in order. All set.

I just got home 20 minutes ago and I'm stunned. It's like what the hell? I had no idea that's what I'd be going in for. Imagine, a small arrogant Chinese lady sticking her finger in my ass. I can't believe it.
Tell me about it. In high school, there was this mandatory health exam that requires a queer doctor to check out our dicks.

Well, yours may be more uncomfortable than my experience, but at least it would perhaps help in the diagnosis of your condition. Get well soon man.
Quote:My religion tells me that God made the universe. My science tells me how.

[Image: 034_p16.jpg]
Sometimes its great to be a Biology student, because I was able to understand what you said perfectly.

I know how you feel because I too have went through a similar, but even worse, um... situation.
So, I can offer my sympathy and advice. Try to adjust your food habits over time and I'm sure you'll be better.

Oh, and stay away from Chinese women. Tongue
(05-18-2011, 10:05 PM)BlackChaos Wrote: Sometimes its great to be a Biology student, because I was able to understand what you said perfectly.

Oh, and stay away from Chinese women. Tongue

Huh? I've never taken biology but it seemed easy enough to understand.

I second staying away from Chinese women, I got yelled at by one the other day. Had no idea what she was saying -_-
We all have things we want to say, but not publicly. We all need help with them at one point. If you want a private conversation or seek private help, send me a PM.
(05-18-2011, 11:03 PM)Veryx Wrote: Huh? I've never taken biology but it seemed easy enough to understand.

I second staying away from Chinese women, I got yelled at by one the other day. Had no idea what she was saying -_-

I didn't say other people wouldn't understand. Smile
By mentioning being a bio student, I meant that I understood how his metabolism rate and eating habits co-relate to each other. Different enzymes which come into play when digesting food, etc.
I friend from another forum introduced me to Vincent Del Monte's eBook so I'm going to see if works out for me.
omg, I could never imagine getting a rectal exam lol, feel bad for you man
[Image: JCxFM]
high metabolism does has its advantages but it also sucks sometimes
i am 120 pounds 16 yr old 11th grade

everybody else looks like adults now
slowly getting better
Maybe you have celiac disease. When you ingest gluten, your body releases powerful antibodies that destroy the villi in your intestines. These are responsible for absorbing nutrients, and without them, you will most likely suffer from malnutrition, (your so called fast metabolism). It could also cause various other digestive problems such as diarrhea and constipation. I hope you figure out what is wrong! Best of luck!

Also, if you didn't already know, gluten is a protein found in wheat and is used in many foods.

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