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A few problems.

I have a few 'problems'. First of all; I'm not that normal. I'm not that normal at all. I'm 21years old and I've never had a girlfriend, never. That really sucks. I think I'm a bit weird.

Also, I have this 'self-harming' feeling. I don't cut myself a lot, but sometimes I just want it.. Weird. Please don't tell me that I'm an emo or something, please.

I'm pretty skinny, no muscles. I'm 1m73 and I weigh like 57kg. That is not enough, but now i've decided to take some Steroids Confused, wtf. I just decided that the other day. Hoping I will get some muscles and a girlfriend.

What is wrong with me? Tips how to not suck at life?
Cable, i am sorry to hear you feel so unhappy. Sometimes life is hard and around 21, trust me you are figuring out life and your role in it if that makes sense. I dont think you are weird, just you have the feeling of wanting more which is natural. I am concerned to read that you do or think or self harming yourself. If you feel depressed, this is something to talk to the doctor about. I also am unsure about steriods as it sounds to me you need to really eat more and regularly (maybe another act of punishing yourself for some reason). I also look at the underlying reasons and it is good you posted this as i know first hand what it is like to be confused and just wanting advice. No one can tell you what to do, but i have a feeling that you know right from wrong and got yourself into a bit of a vicious cycle or even a habit. This is the time to look after yourself more as there is nothing more important. How can you have a girlfriend if you cannot look after you. Also someone like me always picks up an aura of someone and if someone is troubled in thought i often will ask if all is well. Although this may not always create a romantic feeling for most girls who naturally go into take care mode like friends do for each other. Nothing is wrong with you and i will stress that. You are figuring yourself out and you have that right. Focus on your health, mind and emotional health, your hobbies and feel happy with you as we all come in different ways. Learn to appreciate yourself and only then in my view will others appreciate you and see what you see in you. You seem like a nice guy, really who jus needs some time out and do something different. GF will come when you do not look for them, looking too eagerly could create the opposite effect. Sorry to not tell you on what to do. I hope i have given you something to think about. If you want to chat more, just PM me more. I hope you do not feel alone as you are not. Go talk with a doctor is my first bet as I cannot tell if u r suffering from depression however mild it may be. The right tips will come from them.
Thank you very much Monique.
I have a lot to think about!!
I'm just going to hop in on the steroids thing, steroids are not only really bad for you, if you have no weight lifting experience you won't see much results anyways, especially without the proper post cycle therapy to prevent you from losing all you gained, oh and of course, bring your balls back to their normal size.

Even the people who do consider steroids a good option don't reccommend using them before you have 3-4 years of weight training experience under your belt.
Well I should not suggest you to use any steroids,I think you have no weightlift experience? So It should not work at all for you,well about that "no GF" part could you maybe explain a little more WHY you never had a GF before?
Cable, if you like a girl or want to impress someone, that is a good way to start getting muscle/filling out. You'll be more inclined to keep at it.

As for the weirdness? Try to keep it in check. I have ADHD and I can get really impulsive and say weird things and I am 19. I have learned over the years though to try to think about what it is I want to say.. if I'm in a conversation I may go

Person: So, [question]?
Me: ... um... (think) [answer]

Even giving that one second hesitation gives you enough time to think of the reply. Now obviously if you get into a relationship things work a bit differently.

Anyway my advice is to work out, fill out, and be happy. Also to think about what you want.
Also, sorry. No steroids. The benefits do not outweigh the other effects.
We all have things we want to say, but not publicly. We all need help with them at one point. If you want a private conversation or seek private help, send me a PM.
Well no, I have no weightlift experience at all. So it won't work.. ? Hmm.. Just want to gane some weight/muscles, because i'm pretty skinny.

Well I think I've never had a GF because I really have no self-esteem. I'm not the guy that walks to a girl in a club and starts talking to her.

Thank you guys.
(04-05-2011, 02:01 PM)Cable_ Wrote: Well no, I have no weightlift experience at all. So it won't work.. ? Hmm.. Just want to gane some weight/muscles, because i'm pretty skinny.

Well I think I've never had a GF because I really have no self-esteem. I'm not the guy that walks to a girl in a club and starts talking to her.

Thank you guys.

It's not too terribly hard to gain muscle mass just by working out, give it a shot.
Work out, and eat good food.

Mucles won't get you a GF though, a good personality can go a long way.
[Image: freshprincesig.png]

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