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When do you tell a woman you love her
Eight years ago I took one look at a man and I knew he was the one. I believe I fell in love that same day, and it was pretty awkward to see him the next day and dream of him for weeks and weeks. Then someone explained to me that if you know what you like, you will know it when the right one have been practicing for years, so was it really love at first sight, or "finally, there you are!"
It did not come without pitfalls. He had been used to being alone and his mother was ill and he cared for her. Trying to get time with hi was like pulling teeth and to say I had loved him would have really freaked him out back then. Now, I whisper it at times but he doesn't say it back. Once I asked, "Do you love me? and he nodded YES, but some people just have a harder time with the word and feel that it will cripple them or make them too vulnerable if they say it. So he shows it instead, but I can tell he likes it when I say it. I don't think there is a right time, but there can be different reactions. I had a guy say he loved me once and I didn't feel the same way. He felt like an ass and eventually stopped seeing me, even thought we were very close, because I could not feel the same way. You don't always get the reaction you wanted.
Dcrac, It's Barely Hidden from HF, Holy crap man, haven't talked to you in forever.
You say it when you believe you truly do love her, whether it be a few weeks or a few years after you first met.
Tell her when you think it's the right time, you'll know.
Most people save telling others they love them when they are 'in-love' with them, not just love them.
[Image: intel.gif]
Well isn't this common sense? I tell a woman I love her when I really love her simple as that. Not to soon ofcourse.
well, i can imagine it not being easy to tell someone if you love them if u have not experienced what it is like. My advice, if you are questioning the time of telling somoene you love them, ask yourself what is making you feel hesitant in just saying how you feel? Are you unsure of how she will react? Are you unsure of your own feelings? There is no timeframe of this, though i can think that doing to early on in a relationship may seem insincere to a female despite it being flattering for some. Really Drac go with your gut instincts and read her to know when the appropriate time is for the both of you. Life is short and if this is a feeling you have not had before, just talk her through your emotions as every person appreciates honesty. You could even start with your hesitation of whether to tell her and when if you like. Good luck buddy and let us know how it goes. It is confidence to go for it once you know for sure you are in love with her and not just love her as a great person.
I like to do it after we have been going out for atleast a month or 2.
(04-02-2011, 05:57 AM)monique12345 Wrote: well, i can imagine it not being easy to tell someone if you love them if u have not experienced what it is like. My advice, if you are questioning the time of telling somoene you love them, ask yourself what is making you feel hesitant in just saying how you feel? Are you unsure of how she will react? Are you unsure of your own feelings? There is no timeframe of this, though i can think that doing to early on in a relationship may seem insincere to a female despite it being flattering for some. Really Drac go with your gut instincts and read her to know when the appropriate time is for the both of you. Life is short and if this is a feeling you have not had before, just talk her through your emotions as every person appreciates honesty. You could even start with your hesitation of whether to tell her and when if you like. Good luck buddy and let us know how it goes. It is confidence to go for it once you know for sure you are in love with her and not just love her as a great person.

That's actually a great point... Amazing post.

That goes for a lot of things that you can't do in life. You need to figure out what mental barriers are stopping you from doing something so that you can find ways past them to do what you initially planned to do in the first place.

Good advice Smile
I love this guy Dcrac23 Tongue
I personally dont believe in love at first sight.From personal experience ,because almost all the girl you like,will have a boyfriend...and the bout ones that dont text them,call them,meet up quite think she is a really nice girl..and she too tries to please you..and finally you decide this is relationship material..and BAM!!
You show her foto to your room mate..and he comes up saying.."Dude..u serious bout her!? I mean she,kinda goes out with all the boys.." You say "Screw you a**hole!" He opens up FB and shows me some of her pics taken from a party with another guy...and you are like "WTF!"
*Shattered* this is personal experience...might/might not have happened to you. :|
[Image: 52I4m.png]
The question is more: "HOW?"

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