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Distorted eating habit
This problem has been with me most of my life and the main reason why I'm such a skinny kid. Unlike most kids, I like working at my job and going to school because it helps regulate how I eat throughout the day. If I go to work, I'll be forced to eat breakfast because I will know that I won't get another chance to eat until noon and same goes for lunch. I'll eat when I have my break because I know that I won't get to eat supper until 6:30 when I arrive home. The same applies for school. The schedule I have in college make it easy for me to follow the traditional 3-meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) diet.

On the other hand, it's days like today (because I'm on spring break this week) that put me back into my old habit. This habit consists of staying home, watching TV and/or playing video games and just eating various junk foods throughout the day. Mainly foods that can be made under a couple of minutes (grilled-cheesed, microwavable, etc.) and the effect at the end of the day is very brutal. I feel really sick and weak and go to the washroom about 3 times a day and have diarrhea when this habit occurs.

Tonight, after having eaten mere junk food all day, I went to workout and got really sick. After starting with my usual 10 minutes of cardio on the bike, I proceeded to work on my back and after my first two sets, which is never as hard as it was tonight, I felt really weak and washed out. I went to the washroom to splash some water on my face and I was sweating bullets and my face was really pale. At that point, I told my friend that goes to the gym with me that we need to take off because I was really out of it.

He had to drive my car back home because I was in no condition to drive. My head was all over the place and I had a feeling of dizziness, but mostly really weak. I couldn't stand. My verdict is that because I ate crap food all day (chips, cookies, etc.) as opposed to subsequent meals throughout the day, I had no energy and therefore less endurance to work out (after all, working out entails burning energy, otherwise referred to as kilojoules).

Bottom line here is that this isn't the first time that my distorted eating habit has embarrassed me in front of my friend and he's always left to care for me. I feel like a child.

Besides being here to retell my somber story, I'd like some help from you guys, particularly from those that are fairly athletic. I'm already aware that a big breakfast is a great way to start a day. So I'd like tips on how to maintain a good eating plan. What's a good way to make sure I eat properly eat day (When I say eat properly, it doesn't need to be exquisite meals but just hardy enough to nourish myself). I'm the type of guy that deviates from plans and has a hard time sticking to my word most of the time, differently put, I'm flat out lazy and unmotivated.

What kind of tips can you give me?
Try making your day more scheduled so your eating habits won't be as irregular. Set your alarm for a certain time and eat breakfast when you wake up. Try not to wake up too late so you can eat lunch too. Set a time for yourself to go to the gym every day and make time to at least make a sandwich or something. Don't drink soda.

Your days just need to be more structured. Usually when I'm on vacation I wake up late, sit around too much, and eat a maximum of two meals a day. Actually planning to do things will give you reasons to eat like in your normal schedule.
(03-15-2011, 07:57 PM)Nemmyy Wrote: Try making your day more scheduled so your eating habits won't be as irregular. Set your alarm for a certain time and eat breakfast when you wake up. Try not to wake up too late so you can eat lunch too. Set a time for yourself to go to the gym every day and make time to at least make a sandwich or something. Don't drink soda.

Your days just need to be more structured. Usually when I'm on vacation I wake up late, sit around too much, and eat a maximum of two meals a day. Actually planning to do things will give you reasons to eat like in your normal schedule.

I'll give it some more effort.

You reminded me of something else. I think that how I eat is affecting home much I sleep. I mean, because I don't eat right and therefore have no energy, or enough, I can sleep for 10 hours and still be tired and unwilling to get out of bed.
(03-15-2011, 08:02 PM)Solidify Wrote: I'll give it some more effort.

You reminded me of something else. I think that how I eat is affecting home much I sleep. I mean, because I don't eat right and therefore have no energy, or enough, I can sleep for 10 hours and still be tired and unwilling to get out of bed.

Well most of that is probably because you're eating junk food and aren't giving your body the nutrients it needs. Also, if you go to bed really late and wake up really late then I've noticed you can still feel tired even if you've slept for a long time. Irregular sleep patterns aren't healthy. I've ready that you should always try to go to bed/wake up at the same time.
(03-15-2011, 08:06 PM)Nemmyy Wrote: Well most of that is probably because you're eating junk food and aren't giving your body the nutrients it needs. Also, if you go to bed really late and wake up really late then I've noticed you can still feel tired even if you've slept for a long time. Irregular sleep patterns aren't healthy. I've ready that you should always try to go to bed/wake up at the same time.

Last time I went to bed at 10 PM and woke up at 8 AM and was still tired. It doesn't make any sense. But I'll keep at it. Thanks for the encouragement.
(03-15-2011, 08:13 PM)Solidify Wrote: Last time I went to bed at 10 PM and woke up at 8 AM and was still tired. It doesn't make any sense. But I'll keep at it. Thanks for the encouragement.

Oh, so that's not the issue then. No problem, keep us posted on what you change and how it effects you.
(03-15-2011, 08:15 PM)Nemmyy Wrote: Oh, so that's not the issue then. No problem, keep us posted on what you change and how it effects you.

Will do.
Quite honestly, this partially sounds like a vitamin deficiency of some sort.

If you eat junkfood, then work out, and your body is like "NOP. NO MAS."
then quite honestly that sounds like a lack of nutrients from eating junk food.

I get really tired if I live off junk food, and don't eat certain things.
If you're going to take away certain stuff from your diet, then you *have* to take vitamins.

Eating bits throughout the day or whenever you feel like it is actually healthier than just the 3 meals, so simply switch the junk out with good, nutritious foods and you'll be fine.

One night when you're feeling up to it, perhaps BBQ or fry a bunch of chicken breasts, then freeze them. You now have easy, fast food that can be used whenever you feel like it, anything from a chicken caesar salad to a nice chicken salad sandwich.
It's because you changed your diet so quickly probably & your body wasn't adjusted to eating all that junk food. If you have a certain diet for a long time, never try to change it so fast.

On the other hand, TIPS:
It's sometimes hard for people to stick to their diet & that's pretty normal. You can try making a schedule or free up some of your time. Make time for working out & only buy foods that fit your diet.

Commit to an eating plan that’s low in calories and high in nutrition. Eat more broiled fish, chicken and low fat dairy and at least five to nine daily servings of colorful fruits and vegetables without the butter, cream and other fatty sauces and dressings. Eliminate refined carbohydrates - high glycemic sugars, white bread, flour, pasta, cakes, cookies, pies and pastries. Switch to sprouted and whole grain breads and pasta.

Start a regular exercise program. It doesn’t have to be high tech, high cost or high competition. If you’re out of shape, start slowly. Begin with a walk around the block.

If you smoke, stop. Smoking, which is linked to cancer of the lung, mouth, stomach, pancreas and bladder, is the number one avoidable health risk in the world. Smokers have four times the risk for heart disease and twice the risk of stroke. Smoking also wrinkles skin and yellows teeth, making smokers look older.

& take a daily vitamin/mineral supplement!

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